石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1949&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁120-121&*故宮書畫圖冊,第二冊,頁313-314&*本幅畫漁舟四葉浮於江。岸邊,復有漁夫張罟捕魚。林麓間,可見樓宇相參,旅人策蹇。中景主峰聳立,饒具壓頂的氣勢。伴隨著江流曲折北行,舉凡峰巒之遠近、正側,俱都一一羅致。與近景平坡、山巒叢樹交互配搭,形成極為繁複、多變的空間層次。 畫幅無名款,舊籤訂為宋人。惟畫中山、樹與人物畫法,與趙雍(西元1290─?)之青綠山水風格較為接近,故推測此作的完成時代,應在元、明之際。&*As fishing boats float on the river, fishermen on the bank retrieve fish from their nets. Houses dot the forest at the foot of the hill as travelers proceed along the mountain paths. The main peak rises imposingly, while other mountains can be seen in the distance. The river waters wind off to the north as the near and distant mountains seem to be rendered from every angle. Clusters of trees are scattered on the plateau in the foreground and on the hills, forming a complex and varied pattern in multiple layers. Although this painting bears neither seal nor signature of the artist, the title slip attributes it to a painter of the Sung dynasty. However, the representation of the mountain, trees, and figures are similar to the blue-and-green landscape style of Chao Yung (1290-?). For this reason, the painting was perhaps done sometime in the late Yüan (1279-1368) or early Ming (1368-1644).