石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1502&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁54&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁109-110&*趙幹,南唐時江寧(今南京)人,為李後主(九六一—九七五在位)畫院學生,山水多作江南景,論者謂其深得浩渺之意,無一點朝市風埃。 山谷間流水潺潺,五名行旅提挽褲腳,相繼涉水渡溪,背後的樹木已呈枯黃,後嶺復重重環抱,此境益為幽深絕塵。舊傳本幅為趙幹之作。 &* Chao Kan, from Chiang-ning (Nanking), served in the Imperial Painting Academy of Li Yü, the last ruler (r. 961-975) of the Southern T'ang dynasty. His landscapes for the most part depicted the scenery of the Chiang-nan area. It is said that he deeply expressed the boundless sentiment of nature without the slightest taint of mundane affairs. A murmuring stream flows through a mountain valley. Five travellers, rolling up their trousers, are wading through the clear water. In the forest behind them, the leaves are already withered and yellow. The layered peaks serve as an encircling backdrop to the scene, emphasizing the utmost seclusion and profundity. This painting carries an old attribution to Chao Kan.