石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁667&故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁28&故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁103-104&明張丑清河書畫舫&巨然(西元十紀後半葉),南唐鍾陵人,開元寺的和尚。南唐被宋滅亡(西元九七五)巨然隨李後主降宋,而遷至汴梁。擅畫山水,畫法學自董源。 這幅畫描繪蕭翼賺蘭亭圖的故事。唐太宗酷愛王羲之、王獻之的書法,聽說辯才和尚藏有羲之蘭亭序真蹟,於是派遣御史蕭翼設法謀取。翼便以書生的打扮,先與辯才交遊,兩人常以詩文酬答,情感融洽,漸漸地,辯才對翼不加防備。有一天,趁辯才和尚外出,翼便偷走蘭亭真蹟。 &The monk Chü-jan, a native of Nanking, excelled at painting misty landscapes in ink. This scroll illustrates a famous incident in Chinese calligraphy. Wang Hsi-chih's masterpiece, The Orchid Pavilion Preface, had been lost for years. It was discovered by Emperor T'ai-tsung (r. 627-649), a devotee of Wang's style, to be in the possession of the old monk, Pien-ts'ai. Hsiao I, an imperial official ordered to retrieve the masterpiece, disguised himself and called upon the monk. Hsiao I intentionally showed him superb examples of calligraphy, tricking Pien-ts'ai into revealing the whereabouts of the Preface. Seizing the chance, Hsiao I stole the masterpiece and he took it back to the capital, where he presented it to the Emperor. &董源、巨然為十世紀江南山水代表畫家。巨然,南唐鍾陵人,開元寺和尚。南唐亡,巨然隨李後主降宋,遷至汴梁。此畫前景繪河岸緩坡,中景一小橋連接叢林小徑,山谷中院落掩映,遠景群峰繚繞。峰巒林麓多礬頭卵石,山石明潤具光影效果,與畫史記載中巨然畫風相類,屬巨然風格的宋人畫。 畫中建築僧人活動其中,有論者據此認為本幅繪唐太宗遣蕭翼賺蘭亭序真蹟的故事。 &Tung Yüan and Chü-jan were major Kiangnan landscape artists. The latter, native to Chung-ling, was a monk at K’ai-yüan Temple. He followed the Southern T’ang ruler, Li Hou-chu, in surrendering to the Sung, moving to Pien-liang. The foreground here depicts gentle slopes by a river, the bridge in the middle connecting to a forested path. In the valley is a shaded courtyard with trees on clustered peaks in the distance. Peaks and foothills mostly reveal alum lumps, the land having a moist, luminescent quality similar to records of Chü-jan’s style; this a Sung (960-1279) work in his manner. Some scholars believe the monks here illustrate the story of Emperor T’ai-tsung sending Hsiao I to steal the Lan-t’ing masterpiece of calligraphy by Wang Hsi-chih.