故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁175-176&故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁23-24&Liu Kuan-tao, a native of Hopeh province, was a celebrated court painter of the early Yuan. His figure paintings were in the style of the early Chin and T'ang masters, while his landscapes followed the styles of Li Ch'eng and Kuo Hsi. His animal and bird-and-flower paintings combined the virtues of the old masters to become famous at the time. Appearing against a backdrop of northern steppes and desert is a scene of figures on horseback. The one sitting on a dark horse and wearing a white coat is most likely the famous Mongol emperor Kublai Khan with his empress next to him. They are accompanied by a host of servants and officials; the one to the left is about to shoot an arrow at one of the geese in the sky above. The figure wearing blue has a hawk famous for its hunting skills, and a trained wild-cat sits on the back of the horse in front. The dark-skinned figure is perhaps from somewhere in the Near East or Central Asia. In the background, a camel train proceeds slowly behind a sandy slope, adding a touch of life to the barren scenery. Every aspect of this work has been rendered with exceptional detail. Appearing quite realistic, even the representation of Kublai Khan in this painting corresponds quite closely to his imperial portrait in the Museum collection. Though few of Liu Kuan-tao's paintings have survived, this work serves as testimony to his fame in Yuan court art. The artist's signature and the date (1280) appear in the lower left. &劉貫道(西元十三世紀),中山(河北定縣)人。字仲賢。所畫道釋人物,悉宗法晉唐,山水宗郭熙,花竹鳥獸亦能集諸家之長。 無垠朔漠,黃沙浩瀚。人騎眾多,中騎黑馬著白袍者即世祖。人物描繪精謹細緻,犬馬駱駝,亦悉得情態。款書:「至元十七年(一二八○)二月御衣局使臣劉貫道恭畫。」&Liu Kuan-tao (style name Chung-hsien) was a native of Chung-shan (Ting-hsien, Hopeh province). A celebrated court painter of the early Yüan, his figure paintings were in the style of the Chin and T’ang masters, while his landscapes followed that of Kuo Hsi (fl. 11th c.). His bird-and-flower paintings imitated those of the old masters. Dressed in white fur coat on a black horse, Kublai Khan appears here with his consort, officials, and attendants against the backdrop of a vast steppe scene with a camel train in the background. A figure is about to shoot down a bird high in the sky above. The vividness and realism of figures are quite impressive. The artist’s signature and the date (1280) appear in the lower left. &劉貫道(約活動於十三世紀後半期),生卒年不詳,大概在元世祖至元年間(一二六四-一二九四)在世。河北人,字仲賢,善畫。至元十六年稱旨,補御衣局使。所畫道釋、人物,全宗法晉、唐。畫山水宗李成、郭熙,佳處逼真。花竹鳥獸,亦能集合諸家之長,成為當時畫壇的高手。 此畫作於西元一二八0年,屬於大幅作品,畫北方沙漠地帶,一片黃沙坡地,景色單調。在沙丘無垠的遠方,正有一列駱駝馱隊橫越。近處人騎數眾,或張弓射雁;或手架獵鷹;或繩攜獵豹,皆為馬上行獵之狀。其中騎著黑馬、身穿白裘的,應為元世祖,與世祖並駕的婦女,似為帝后,其餘八人,應是侍從,其中尚有中亞黑奴一名。 圖中人物、馬騎無論衣著、裝備皆刻畫精細,表情神態自然生動,而世祖的面容,更與本院所藏<元歷代帝后像>冊中的元世祖半身像相似,足證兩圖的寫實。雖然劉貫道的畫作傳世甚少,但由此軸中人物的傳神,可明劉氏善畫的美名,非憑空得來。