石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1603 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁181 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁189-190 &*張舜咨(活動於西元十四世紀中期),又作張義上,字師夔,號櫟里子,浙江人。 本幅作於至正七年(西元一三四七年),描繪幾株老樹挺立在土坡石傍,遠山、飛泉之外別無他物。空山溪谷寂靜幽深,只有潺潺的泉聲不斷傳來。畫樹枝,好像寫書法似地一筆一筆寫成。皴法的用筆扭轉交錯,有活潑靈動的感覺。&*Chang Shun-tzu, also known as Chang Hsi-shang (style name Shih-k'uei; sobriquet Li-1i-tzu), was a native of Chekiang. This work, painted in 1347, is a depiction of several ancient trees standing along a rocky embankment. Aside from the distant mountain ridges and cascading waterfall, little else is represented in the scene. The sky, hills, stream, and valley areas are profoundly quiet and secluded; only the splashing, gurgling sounds of the surging, unbroken falls are audible. The artist appears to have built up calligraphic brushstrokes to depict the tree branches. The artist wielded his brush to form twisting, curving, and interlocking strokes which convey a lively and expressive feeling.