石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1679&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁246&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁93-94&*馬琬(活動於西元一三四二—一三六六年),金陵(今南京市)人。字文璧,號魯鈍。善山水,工書與詩。每遇佳山水,必託之毫素,輒自題其左,時稱三絕。 萬山積雪之中,多作平崗斷壁。山腳碎石分面偏於方形,故有森森然冰山萬仞、明潔晶瑩之感。全作用筆似剛勁而實圓渾,用墨似簡澹而實靜穆,蓋馬文璧畫中之別裁者也。根據幅上款題,知此作為至正九年(一三四九)馬氏為竹西聘君所畫。&*Ma Wan, a native of Nanking, excelled at landscape painting as well as calligraphy and poetry. Coming upon fine scenery, he would often paint it. When including a poem, his works naturally combine the Three Perfections-poetry, calligraphy, and painting. This work shows many plateaus and sheer cliffs amid myriad snow-clad peaks. At the base, of the mountains are fragments of rocks-multi-faceted, but generally squarish. The rows of innumerable frigid mountains evoke a clear, cold and glistening feeling. While the brushwork appears vigorous and strong, it is also rounded. The ink is simple and light, but is also solid and majestic. The inscription on this unusual work by Ma Wan dates it to 1349.&*馬琬(活動於1342-1366),金陵(今南京市)人。字文璧,號魯鈍。工書善詩,擅畫山水。每遇佳山水,必託之毫素,輒自題其左,時稱三絕。 萬山積雪之中,多作平崗斷壁。山腳碎石分面偏於方形,故有森森然冰山萬仞、明潔晶瑩之感。全作用筆似剛勁而實圓渾,用墨似簡澹而實靜穆,蓋馬文璧畫中之別裁者。根據幅上款題,知此作為至正九年(1349)馬氏為竹西聘君所畫。 (20110913)&*Ma Wan (style name Wenbi, sobriquet Ludun), a native of Jinling (modern Nanjing), was good at calligraphy and excelled at poetry, specializing in landscape painting. Coming upon fine scenery, he would take out his brush and paint it. Always adding a poem to his works, they naturally combine the “Three Perfections” of poetry, calligraphy, and painting. This work shows many plateaus and sheer cliffs amid myriad snow-clad peaks. At the base of the mountains are fragments of rocks that are multi-faceted, but generally squarish. The rows of innumerable frigid mountains evoke a clear, cold and glistening feeling. While the brushwork appears vigorous and strong, it is also rounded. The ink is simple and light but also solid and majestic. The inscription on this unusual work by Ma Wan dates it to 1349 and indicates the recipient as a “Zhuxi Pinjun.” (20110913)