故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁240&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁73-74&*1.朱惠良,〈元張渥瑤池仙慶〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第19期(1984年10月),頁119-120。 &*張渥,字叔厚,號貞期生、真閒生,浙江杭州人,活躍於西元十四世紀中期,工人物畫,尤長於白描,常以道釋人物為題材。本幅作於至正辛巳(西元一三四一年)。瑤池乃西王母之寓所,畫中所繪當為群仙前往瑤池,為西王母祝壽之故事,有吉祥慶壽之寓意。幅上仙女捧壽桃、乘祥雲,正自天際冉冉駕臨,山巖下有老翁拱手相迎,童子亦鼓舞歡欣。對人物之描寫生動輕靈,筆墨設色亦甚為淡雅秀麗。&*Chang Wo, a native of Hangchow, specialized in figure painting, especially Buddhist and Taoist subjects in the outline manner. This work was done in 1341. The Lake of Gems refers to the residence of the Queen Mother of the West, an important Taoist deity. This painting depicts a group of immortals at the Lake of Gems offering blessings to her-an auspicious allusion to long life. The female attendant accompanying her holds peaches of longevity, and they appear floating on auspicious clouds. Below, an old man clasps his hands in reverence as young attendants look up in amazement. The use of brush, ink, and coloring are all elegant and refined, especially in terms of representing the figures.