石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1116&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁231-232&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁123-124 &*Chang Chung, style name Tzu-cheng and a native of Kiangsu province, studied the landscape style of Huang Kung-wang and excelled at birds-and-flowers. He often experimented with painting. Although a touch of color is found in this work, monochrome ink predominates. The color was mostly used for the male duck to make it fresh and lovely while complementing the light and elegant features. The rocks and broken stem extend below the surface of the water, which is quite rare in Chinese painting. The artist's inscription done from left to right is also unusual for Chinese writing. Originally, it should have read, "Made by Tzu-cheng for so-and-so," but it may have been remounted and trimmed to just read "Made by Tzu-cheng."&*1.〈元張中枯荷鸂鶒〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《名寶上珍》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1995年初版一刷),頁257。 2.譚怡令,〈元陳琳溪鳧圖〉,收入譚怡令編,《畫?珍禽》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年十月初版),頁88-89。 &*張中(活動於西元一三三六—一三六○),又名張守中,江蘇松江人,字子政。畫山水師黃公望,善花鳥,亦能墨戲。 本幅雖屬設色作品,但以墨為主,鴛鴦略加顏色點染,鮮妍可愛,頗具淡雅之趣。枯荷斷莖,畫有倒影,為古畫中少見。此畫題款由左而右書寫,極為特別。按理,原來應有「子政為某某人」等字,後經裱褙裁去,故僅存「子政為」三字。