石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1105 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁163-164 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁93-94&*1.陳葆真,〈管道昇和他的竹石圖〉,《故宮季刊》,第十一卷第四期(1977年夏),頁51-84。 &*管道昇(西元一二六二-一三一九年),浙江吳興人。字仲姬,趙孟頫(西元一二五四-一三二二年)妻,封魏國夫人。能為詞章,篤信佛法,所寫書牘行楷與其夫幾不可辨,為書畫史上著名女性作家之一。畫幅上無管氏款題,只有「魏國夫人趙管」鈐印一方,雖不能確定為其所作。但細竹兩竿,配以瘦石一握,娉婷婉約,畫的不是堅靭挺立的竹,而是娟秀的竹,仍頗有閨閣的筆墨趣味。&*Kuan Tao-sheng, wife of the famous artist-official Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322), was awarded the posthumous title "Madame of the State of Wei". A devout Buddhist, she was gifted at writing and painting, and her semi-cursive script was barely distinguishable from that of her husband. She is thus known as one of China's greatest female artists. This work does not bear Kuan's signature, but it does have a seal reading "Chao-Kuan, Madame of the State of Wei". Though not positively by her, the few sprigs of bamboo with the slender rock give this work an elegant and delicate lady-like touch. The grace and beauty of the bamboo, rather than its traditional upright and resilient qualities, perhaps reveal an alternative viewpoint of a lady artist.