石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1103&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁53&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁3-4&* 本幅繪漢末劉備三顧草廬、邀諸葛孔明出山之故實。畫中長松修竹掩翳茅屋,孔明羽扇綸巾、依榻凝思,僮僕正應門而出。籬外劉備、關羽、張飛三騎及從者行近,山嶺後並見旌旗戈戟微露,人馬仍眾。畫筆輕健秀潤,惟上半山嶺係後人補筆。幅上無款,依元薩都剌至正甲午之題,定為隋董展所作。然薩都剌之題字與其年款及跋語內容均不合,應為後人作品所偽託。&* This represents the late Han story of Liu Pei in one of the “Three Visits to a Thatched Cottage,” where they invited Chu-ko Liang out of reclusion. A cottage is nestled in the deep mountains with pines and bamboo. Chu-ko Liang sits with a feather fan leaning on a low table. A servant answers the door. Outside the fence are Liu Pei, Kuan Yü, and Chang Fei on horseback with attendants. The spears and halberds behind the hills at the upper right suggest a large army in waiting. The brushwork is light and elegant, but the distant mountains appear to be a later addition. Bearing neither seal nor signature, it was attributed in the Yüan dynasty to Tung Chan. However, inconsistencies in the content and date of the inscription suggest that this is a later work.