簡介:"YamiChest wearEthnology雅美胸飾原住民民族誌標本Yami necklaces were used to show off the wearer' wealth and were an expression of etiquette. For all important ceremonies, like new house completion, launching of a new boat or the flying fish ceremony, the Yami would wear their best clothes. Rare shell and azure bead chest decorations were amongst the decorative item worn by women on such occasions.項飾 胸飾的種類最多,且幾乎所有貴重的寶石、金銀箔片、制錢等都掛於胸前以為展露。大型的胸飾稱為zaka。由多種木珠、骨珠、植物種子的硬殼、木片或黃色琉璃珠、紅磚色琉璃珠(mowlag)以及銀製的圓片串成,長度有時長到及膝。另外也有以瑪瑙、子安貝、鸚鵡螺其它材質製作的胸飾。 瑪瑙(zaka)在達悟族中是最為名貴的,傳統習俗中,母親會在女兒出嫁時,將瑪瑙傳給女兒。 "