簡介:"PaiwanIntroductionChest ornamentThe people of the Paiwan tribe traditionally wore many types of ornaments including headdresses, neck ornaments and chest ornaments. Among them, neck ornaments made from traditional glass beads were the most important. Beads that were large in size and considered valuable were strung together to make these ornaments. The structure of traditional neck ornaments followed a strict set of rules and represented the social status of the wearer. Neck ornaments were accessories and family heirlooms of the noble class, passed down from generation to generation.In traditional chest ornaments, glass beads, also referred to as dragonfly beads, were arranged in a specific order and in specific positions, and each position had a specific name. The arrangement of the beads represented their value. In symmetrical arrangements, the beads closest to the center were considered the most important.Colorful glass beads were treasured by men and women, old and young. Neck ornaments made from these beads are characteristic of the Paiwan tribe and essential accessories worn by the chieftain and nobility during the Five-year Festival and weddings.Glass bead ornaments were also used in healing and divination rites and were considered to have spiritual power and to bring about blessings. Each bead has a name, gender and associated legend. 排灣族的身體裝飾種類繁多,包括頭飾、頸飾、胸飾等,其中以傳統琉璃珠項飾最講究也最重要,不僅因為貴重大型的琉璃珠主要串組於項飾上,且傳統項飾具嚴格的結構法則,尤其表現出穿戴者的身分地位,為排灣貴族長久配戴與相傳。 琉璃珠,又稱蜻蜓珠,在傳統胸飾中,具有一定的串組次序與位置,各部位有特定的名稱以區別,由琉璃珠串組的部位可表現該珠的價值,對稱的結構組合,越靠近中央區域者越顯重要。 色彩豐富的琉璃珠是男女老少珍愛的珠寶,尤其以琉璃珠串組的項飾,更為排灣族特色之一,排灣族頭目或貴族於五年祭及婚禮時不可或缺的飾品。 此外,琉璃珠飾亦用於治癒與占卜,且有賜福的靈力,每顆珠子也會有不同的名字、性別與傳說。 "