簡介:" 排灣族的頭飾是頭目及貴族的專有裝飾之一,主要在於彰顯地位權勢與武勇,多以獸牙、鷹羽、獸角、獸皮、獸毛、貝飾、錢幣、金屬鑌及彩色玻璃、琉璃珠等綴飾其上。 早期排灣族男女皆纏頭巾,頭飾即繫綁於額前頭巾外,今則不纏頭巾,直接配戴於額前。 PaiwanHead ornament Ethnology原住民民族誌標本排灣頭飾The Paiwan's headwear was a form of decoration worn only by chiefs and upper classes in Paiwan society. It was mainly worn to show status and martial ability. It was mainly made using beats tooth, eagle feather, horns, animal hair, shell, coins and colored glass and agate beads."