林宗毅先生林誠道先生父子捐贈書畫圖錄,頁122、189&* 漢魏時民間即有牛郎織女傳說,南朝梁宗懍《荊楚歲時記》中記天河之東有織女,是天帝之子。年年織杼勞役,織成雲錦天衣。天帝哀其獨處,許配河西牽牛郎。嫁後遂廢織紝。天帝怒,責令歸河東,唯每年七月七日夜渡河一會。 唐培華(約十九世紀後半至二十世紀初)號子禪,吳縣(今江蘇蘇州)人,寓上海。工人物、仕女,宗法費丹旭。與沙馥、錢慧安等先後同時,名譽亦相伯仲。 &* Tang Peihua, native to Wuxian (modern Suzhou, Jiangsu), resided in Shanghai. He excelled at fine-line figures and ladies in the style of Fei Danxu, becoming as famous as Qian Huian. The cowherd and weaving maiden legend traces to the Han-Wei period (3rd c. CE). In Zong Lin’s Festivals & Customs of Jing-Chu, the Weaving Maiden (daughter of the Emperor of Heaven) lived east of the Milky Way and toiled to weave his heavenly brocade of clouds. Pitying her solitude, the Emperor allowed her to cross the Milky Way and meet the Cowherd. But after marrying him, she gave up weaving. The Emperor, infuriated, ordered her back, only permitting them to meet on the 7th day of the 7th month each year. This work was donated by Messrs. Lin Zongyi and Lin Chengdao.