石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1151 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁33 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁135-136&*本幅畫明月皎潔,高掛天際。庭院深處,高植著虯松、梧桐與芭蕉,枝葉蒼鬱欣茂,地面另有芙蓉、蜀葵、雛菊等花卉,競吐芳香。奇石上盤踞的蟠螭,正低伏瀉水,池中波紋蕩漾。盛裝婦人,手捧明珠,欠身欲取水滌珠。旁立侍女三人,或臨案焚香,或捧奩,或荷琴,神情莊嚴靜穆。女子對月祈福,自唐代以降,即已蔚為流行,此作或與古代的拜月風尚攸關。 畫無作者款印,舊籤題標為「五代人浣月圖」。若由仕女身著半袖裙襦,及焚香侍女腰間繫縛的長柄紈扇來判斷,本幅原稿的時代,雖符合十世紀規制,但樹石畫法,筆致誇張,已呈顯宋末元初特質,推測應出自南宋宮廷畫師所摹。(劉芳如)&*1.劉芳如,〈宋人浣月圖(舊傳五代人)〉,收入劉芳如、張華芝主編,《群芳譜 — 女性的形象與才藝》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2003年初版一刷),頁45。 2.劉芳如,〈五代人浣月圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《仕女畫之美》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年四月初版),頁76。 &*本幅畫明月倚天,皎潔瑩燦。曲欄庭院,虯松蒼鬱,梧桐欣茂,蕉葉挺翠。尚有芙蓉、蜀葵、雛菊等競吐芬芳,滿園秋意撩人。奇石上,蟠螭瀉水,激盪池中月影。盛裝婦人為其所惑,探手如欲撈之。旁有侍女三人,或臨案焚香,或捧物,或荷琴。人物衣紋線條剛健細勁,屬「鐵線描」一類,並有佐以金線者,披帛、裙帶且平行如「琴弦描」。畫幅無款印,舊標為五代,惟據服飾及器用形制觀之,應屬後世託名之作。&*In this painting, a bright moon hangs in the heavens, as unsullied and lustrous as jade. Below, a writhing pine and verdant paulownia tree shade a garden courtyard, where a winding balustrade frames an autumn scene perfumed with the scents of hibiscus, hollyhocks, and daisies. Perched on an ornamental rock, a coiling dragon fountain spews forth a stream of water into the basin below, rippling the moon's reflection there. A splendidly attired lady, moved by this sight, reaches forth as if to scoop the image from the water. One of her maids leans over a table to light incense; another, half-hidden by the green leaves of a plantain tree holds a zither. In terms of brushwork, the strong, elastic "threads of iron" strokes that limn the women's robes are touched with gold. The ladies’ silken wraps and skirt sashes are modeled in even, sinuous "lute string" brushwork. This painting bears no signature nor artist's seals. Though attributed to a Five dynasties artist, it must be the work of a later artist judging by the clothing and the objects.