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共找到 193 筆符合的資料
主要題名:南滁會景編 十四卷
版本敘述:明崇禎間(1628-1644)刊本 裝訂:線裝襯裝 作品語文:漢文 主要題名:南滁會景編 十四卷 拼音題名:Nan chu hui jing bian shi si juan 類型:善本 其.....more
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Taxillus ritozanensis (Hayata)...
(邱少婷), Chien-Nan Chen (陳建男), Che-Hui Chu (朱哲輝) 採集號:2634 英文 中文 082247 .....more
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Taxillus ritozanensis (Hayata)...
), Chien-Nan Chen (陳建男), Che-Hui Chu (朱哲輝) 採集號:2620 英文 中文 082253 .....more
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宋元集繪 冊 宋惠崇秋渚文禽
was a native of chien-yang, Fukien, or from Hui-nan according to another account. Equally well-known.....more
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清陸恢仿北苑溪山圖 軸
。本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。 &*After Tung Yüan’s Rivers and Mountains Lu Hui (1851-1920) Ch’ing Dynasty Lu Hui.....more
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清張鵬翀春山出雲 軸
, sobriquet Nan-hua, and also called Ch’i-yüan san-hsien, “Idle sage of the Lacquer Gareden”), was from.....more
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花卉畫冊 冊 明朱完竹柏
; sobriquets Pai-yüeh shan-jen and Nan-hai chu-sheng) was a noted scholar skilled in composing.....more
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宋四家法書 卷 宋蔡襄上資政諫...
Ying-tsung (r. 1064-1068) the posthumous title of "Chung-hui (Loyalty and Kindness)." Ts'ai Hsiang.....more
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清陳書山靜日長圖 軸
üan ti-tzu and Nan-lou lao-jen) was from Hsiu-shui. She married Ch’ien Lun-kuang, and because.....more
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藝林集玉 冊 無款虎溪三笑圖
Hsiu-ching of Nan-shan, both men of theTao,【came to see him】. Master Hui, when sending them off.....more
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清惲壽平畫湖山小景 冊 石畔古...
; sobriquet Nan-t’ien) was a native of Wu-chin, Kiangsu. His original name was Ke, but was later known by hi.....more
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明宣宗書上林冬暖詩 軸
in painting and calligraphy, is ranked only second to the greater artist-emperor Hui-tsung (r. 1101-1125.....more
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Torsion Theories and Essential...
Torsion theory Cotorsion theory Flat envelope IF ring 國家圖書館 20100800 期刊論文 Fu, Xian-hui Ding, Nan.....more
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