搜尋:cave painting


明劉度山水 軸

明劉度山水 軸

the painting with an explanation of the subject, in comparison with Jade Cave in the Mountains.....more

清艾啟蒙畫風猩 軸

清艾啟蒙畫風猩 軸

, was a native of Bohemia. He entered the Ju-i kuan in 1745, where he served in the Imperial Painting Academy.....more

宋燕文貴三仙授簡 軸

宋燕文貴三仙授簡 軸

世紀),吳興人,宋太宗時詔入畫院為祇候,擅長山水畫。&*In this painting, three immortals are seated in a small, narrow grotto.....more

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 海洞潮音

無量壽佛會慶圖 冊 海洞潮音

Buddha,” shows Kuan-yin at Tidal Sound (Hai-ch’ao-yin) Cave. The cave is located at Mt. Potala (P’u.....more

元人畫寒山拾得像 軸

元人畫寒山拾得像 軸

himself in a stone cave to avoid those visitors who admired him, later the cave closed by itself.....more

元顏輝畫寒山子 軸

元顏輝畫寒山子 軸

and Taoist figure painting as well as sketching from life. He also painted demons and was known.....more

元人法書 冊 鮮于樞書唐人水簾洞詩

元人法書 冊 鮮于樞書唐人水簾...

being a gifted connoisseur of painting, calligraphy, and antiquities. In the Zhiyuan era (1264-1294) he.....more

明陸治仙山玉洞圖 軸

明陸治仙山玉洞圖 軸

, this is a painting of the scenery there and a reflection on his trip as well as his life of reclusion. Lu.....more

清金廷標畫仙舟笛韻 軸

清金廷標畫仙舟笛韻 軸

name was Shih-k’uei. He was good at painting figure and flower subjects and was also a skilled.....more

宋李唐畫四時山水 冊 梅齋罨翠

宋李唐畫四時山水 冊 梅齋罨翠

(365-427) famous story of a paradise found and lost. The title of this painting comes from.....more

元趙奕畫大士像 軸

元趙奕畫大士像 軸

the life of an official, amusing himself with poetry and wine. He is known for his fine painting.....more

清王炳仿趙伯駒桃源圖 卷

清王炳仿趙伯駒桃源圖 卷

than once in this story, such as the cave and being greeted by the villagers. In this copy by Wang.....more


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