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共找到 110 筆符合的資料
明仇氏杜陵內史畫白衣大士像 軸
and figure painting. In this work, the White-robed Kuan-yin sits on a large blue lotus blossom rising.....more
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明邵彌畫蓮華大士像 軸
手肘都用淡墨細筆鉤畫,十分細緻,可是其他部分則隨手寫來,瀟灑奔放。全作不遵循佛教圖像規矩,文人的色彩濃厚,是觀音畫的另一類型。&*Kuan-yin of the Lotuses Shao Mi (fl.....more
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明人畫扇(元) 冊 明唐寅秋暮...
inscription. The style is derived from Chou Ch’en, but T’ang Yin has added long texture strokes, a mark.....more
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宋緙絲青牛老子圖 軸
Yin Xi saw a purple mist come from the east, surmising that a sage was coming. Not long thereafter.....more
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明唐寅畫山路松聲 軸
劈皴為長皴,山石皴法筆調靈活。人物沉浸於磅礴山水之中,以無聲畫作表現有聲詩境。 (20110913)&* Tang Yin (style names Ziwei and Bohu; sobriquet.....more
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明張路畫老子騎牛 軸
decided to travel west through the Han Valley Pass. The Pass Commissioner, Yin-hsi, noticed a trail.....more
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清吳昌碩行書中堂 軸
County (modern Lien-shui), retiring not long thereafter. At the age of 28, he traveled to Soochow.....more
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明李宗謨蘭亭修褉圖 卷
(pai-miao) style was also delicate and elegant. To the right, at the start of a long horizontal.....more
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元明人詞翰 卷 王逢書五言古詩
) was a native of Chiang-yin, Kiangsu province. He was quite talented and became famous for his poetry.....more
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for long-term care 國家圖書館 20110600 期刊論文 蔡誾誾(Tsai, Yin-yin) 林麗嬋(Lin, Li-chan) 李玉春(Lee, Yue-chune) 長期照護十.....more
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Factors Associated with Leisur...
Depression Elderly Leisure activities Long-term care Physically handicapped 國家圖書館 20100600 期刊論文 Li.....more
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