搜尋:work light


宋緙絲紫芝仙壽圖 軸

宋緙絲紫芝仙壽圖 軸

,尤其將海棠葉粗糙的質感表現得寫實逼真,在用材和緙織技巧上與〈宋緙絲喜報生孫圖〉相似,應是當時流行的織法之一。 &*The colored threads woven against a light.....more

元吳鎮清江春曉 軸

元吳鎮清江春曉 軸

ink, lending an elegant luminous, light quality to the work. Wu has used a slightly stubbly coarse.....more

五代人丹楓呦鹿圖 軸

五代人丹楓呦鹿圖 軸

and complete the composition. The deer were first outlined with very light ink, then given.....more

集古名繪 冊 宋高克明松岫漁村

集古名繪 冊 宋高克明松岫漁村

with light ink to give the effect of hazy mist, suggesting a late spring scene at dusk in the Jiangnan.....more

明吳偉仙蹤侶鶴圖 軸

明吳偉仙蹤侶鶴圖 軸

, dry ink in this work represent a typical manner of his own. &*  吳偉(西元一四五九-一五○八年)湖北江夏人。字士英,號魯夫,更字次翁,又號小.....more

明陸治梨花寫生 軸

明陸治梨花寫生 軸

of light and dark as well as scorched and wet ink have been used. The blossoms appear either in full.....more

明文徵明倣古山水 軸

明文徵明倣古山水 軸

博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),頁315。 &*This archaic landscape work blends the techniques of heavy blue.....more

明陸治玉蘭 軸

明陸治玉蘭 軸

of this work is a branch of magnolia blossoms with stems of bamboo growing behind it. Using just ochre.....more

明錢穀午日鍾馗 軸

明錢穀午日鍾馗 軸

, Chung K’uei can be seen wearing a dark cap flapping in the wind and a light blue robe. He holds in his.....more

明徐渭畫牡丹 軸

明徐渭畫牡丹 軸

, presented them in a heroic and swift manner. The area of the flower petals clearly reveals light ink.....more

明朱先草蟲 軸

明朱先草蟲 軸

, his flowers, plants, and insects were quite lifelike. This work was done at the age of 72. Shown.....more

明沈周寫生 冊 玉蘭

明沈周寫生 冊 玉蘭

." This work, from "Album of Sketching from Life," features a sketchy rendition of magnolias in light.....more

明沈周寫生 冊 萱

明沈周寫生 冊 萱

, giving this work much of the brush manner of calligraphy. The brushwork throughout ranges.....more

明丁雲鵬應真雲彙 卷

明丁雲鵬應真雲彙 卷

of late Ming painting. In this work, a group of lohans is situated among precipitous cliffs.....more

明項元汴善才頂禮 軸

明項元汴善才頂禮 軸

, the Bodhisattva himself is hidden amid a dazzling ray of light. Thus, although the painting is said.....more
