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共找到 1730 筆符合的資料
IPS-ICC an IP-Surveillance Pla...
Video-based surveillance system XML-based surveillance description language Camera interaction.....more
- 1336/1730
Person Identification under Mu...
) 王文豪(Wang, Wen-hao) Person Identification under Multi-View Video Surveillance Environments 臺灣期刊論文索引系統.....more
- 1337/1730
軍隊人才招募 電玩遊戲 置入行銷 Military recruitments Video games Product placement 國家圖書館 20090600 期刊論文 謝奇任(Hsieh.....more
- 1338/1730
A Virtual Channel Technique fo...
DTV Streaming video Peer-to-peer network 國家圖書館 20070000 期刊論文 Lin, Nien-chen Chan, Chen-lung Wang.....more
- 1339/1730
Application of VATS Lobectomy ...
Non-small cell lung cancer Video-assisted thoracic surgery Lobectomy 國家圖書館 20110300 期刊論文 Kim, Young.....more
- 1340/1730
The Use of Advance Organizers ...
Advance organizer Video-based Mixed-methods study Listening comprehension Culture background cues 國.....more
- 1341/1730
電玩遊戲 國家圖書館 20110700 期刊論文 蔡行健 電玩遊戲中的哲學省思[評Cogburn, Jon and Silcox, Mark, Philosophy Through Video.....more
- 1342/1730
應用音樂 影音 舞蹈 情境 Application music Video-music Dance Situation 國家圖書館 20111000 期刊論文 楊淑菁(Yang, Shu-chin.....more
- 1343/1730
張先 子野 詞 影 Zhang Xian Sub-field Word Video 國家圖書館 20110900 期刊論文 戴杏娟(Tai, Haing-chuan) 論張先之造影藝術--以「無影詞.....more
- 1344/1730
Fast Block Motion Estimation W...
, Chien-hua Cheng, Shyi-chyi Fast Block Motion Estimation With Edge Alignment on H.264 Video Coding 臺灣.....more
- 1345/1730
傳播研究轉向:瞭解電玩遊戲 [評...
and Susana Pajars Tosca (2008). Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction] 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:新聞學研究.....more
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Depth Map Estimation from Unca...
國家圖書館 20100600 期刊論文 鄭嘉珉 沈正宏 金立軒 許孝安 賴尚宏 Depth Map Estimation from Uncalibrated Stereo Video.....more
- 1347/1730
Sunscope: A Video-guided Intub...
Sun, Wei-zen Sunscope: A Video-guided Intubation System through a Detachable Imaging Probe 臺灣期刊論文索引.....more
- 1348/1730
Noise-reduced Example-Based Im...
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- 1349/1730
Online Video Playing on Smartp...
Jiang, Jinlei Wu, Yongwei Huang, Xiaomeng Yang, Guangwen Zheng, Weimin Online Video Playing.....more
- 1350/1730