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共找到 12225 筆符合的資料
blossoms and of birds. This work is an illustration of Fan Ch’eng-ta’s “Yüeh-fu of the Twelfth Month.....more
- 1486/12225
清黃本復雙松四喜圖 軸
Pen-fu, whose birth and death dates are unknown, resided in She-hsien, Anhwei Province. He excelled.....more
- 1487/12225
清張照書御製芝蘭曲 軸
after which he studied the works of Mi Fu of the Northern Sung and Yen Chen-ch'ing of the T'ang dynasty.....more
- 1488/12225
清董誥畫寶檻天香 軸
, was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. Son of the painter Tung Pang-ta, or Tung the Elder, he rose.....more
- 1490/12225
藝林清賞 冊 清楊大璧雲壑奔泉
of mountains shrouded in mist. This painting has been executed in the style of Mi Fu and Mi Yu-jen.....more
- 1491/12225
明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊 良...
. Finally, someone was found by the name of Yüeh in Fu-yen who looked like the man in his dreams.....more
- 1492/12225
清鄭汝器(簠)隸書 軸
碑,益得樸拙奇古之妙。細觀此書,筆墨圓潤,運筆起伏,波撇誇張,筆法結字亦變化多端。通篇筆勢行氣連貫,縱橫俯仰,極具氣韻飛揚之勢。 &*Cheng Fu (style name Ju-ch’i.....more
- 1493/12225
清沈荃倣顏真卿告身帖 軸
influenced by Mi Fu’s. Much admired for his calligraphy, Shen was even ordered to the palace to discuss.....more
- 1494/12225
清沈荃書伊川四箴 軸
influenced by Mi Fu’s. Admired for his calligraphy, Shen was even summoned to the palace to discuss.....more
- 1496/12225
清陳奕禧書醉翁亭記 冊
國立故宮博物院 故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁19&*陳奕禧(西元一六四八-一七○九年),字六謙,又字子文、文一,號香泉,晚號葑叟,海寧鹽官人。其詩得王士禎讚賞,書法深受康熙皇帝重視,故以貢生破格入.....more
- 1498/12225
色彩:設色 技法:寫意 主題意涵:寫景 表現題材:風景 版權:中國文化大學華岡博物館 畫心尺寸:93�58.5cm 基底材:紙 型式:靜態圖像 本名:李撫虹 譯名:Li Fu-hong 數位化執行單.....more
- 1500/12225