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共找到 3067 筆符合的資料
清金廷標畫墨牡丹 軸
Tingbiao (style name Shikui) was a native of Wucheng (modern Huzhou) in Zhejiang and skilled at painting.....more
- 1667/3067
清郎世寧萬壽長春 軸
style at the time. He excelled at painting figures, birds-and-flowers, animals, and landscapes.....more
- 1668/3067
宋馬遠華燈侍宴圖 軸
and dignified, belonging to her late style.(20101015)&*春まだ浅い頃、霧が薄くかかる中に松と梅の枝が見え隠れしている。灯りがともされた宮殿の中に紅.....more
- 1669/3067
明仇英畫帝王道統萬年圖 冊
。應是仇英應顧氏請託而繪,用以進獻朝廷,求得仕進。全冊均落筆純熟、流利,色調以青綠重彩為主,間或摻用泥金鈎邊,畫面洋溢著鮮豔而華麗的雰圍。(20100101)&*Qiu Ying (style.....more
- 1670/3067
五代梁荊浩匡廬圖 軸
“Early Spring” of 1072. Thus, this work perhaps is a 12th-century reflection pursuing the style of Ching.....more
- 1671/3067
明人便面畫冊(四) 冊 明趙文...
History of Poetry and her style name Tuan-jung in an inscription in The Han-shan Lan-kuei History.....more
- 1672/3067
Jazz Style 本次委創由許治民老師挑選民謠兩首《桃花過渡》、《青蚵嫂》加上他本人創作曲《影子》、《想念》共四首合成一單元,《桃花過渡》原曲來自歌仔戲的車鼓調,經過爵士編曲後,改名為《桃花》,《青蚵.....more
- 1673/3067
清王炳仿趙伯駒桃源圖 卷
concept of immortality. The bright coloring and fine brushwork of Wang’s style correspond to those.....more
- 1674/3067
清吳時寫杜牧詩意 軸
. The composition follows the theme of wintry forests by Sung (960-1279) artists, and the style reflects.....more
- 1676/3067
明祝允明行楷書岳陽樓記 冊頁
expansive and based on the style of Yen Chen-ch'ing (709-785) with elements of small standard script.....more
- 1677/3067
元王蒙谷口春耕圖 軸
;-jan, but the style lacks the conservative stability of his early landscape paintings. Wang Meng.....more
- 1679/3067
元趙孟頫鵲華秋色 卷
分接近,然經趙孟頫的筆墨與設色後更具生趣,成一秀麗可人的自然佳景。黃公望從趙孟頫此類復古創新手法,得以掌握筆墨新活力。(20110609)&*Zhao Mengfu (style name Zi.....more
- 1680/3067