

篇名:Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese empire (VIII), Subfamily Halticinae (10)

篇名:Studies on the Chrysomeli...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese empire (VIII), Subfamily.....more

篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobacco mosaic virus in host plants. I. Measurements of virus after 2-4 days

篇名:Serological studies on th...

MATSUMOTO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobacco mosaic.....more

篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobaco mosaic virus in host plants. III. Measurement of virus 15-30 days after inoculation

篇名:Serological studies on th...

MATSUMOTO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobaco mosaic.....more

篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobacco mosaic virus in host plants. II. Measurement of virus 5-14 days after inoculation

篇名:Serological studies on th...

MATSUMOTO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobacco mosaic.....more

篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobacco mosaic virus in host plants. IV. Measurement of virus 1-2 months after inoculation

篇名:Serological studies on th...

MATSUMOTO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobacco mosaic.....more

篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of Tobacco mosaic virus in host plants. V. Measurements of virus intervals after two months

篇名:Serological studies on th...

MATSUMOTO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of Tobacco mosaic.....more

篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobacco mosaic virus in host plants. VI. Further evidences for the presence of virus in the xylem

篇名:Serological studies on th...

MATSUMOTO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of tobacco mosaic.....more

篇名:Serological studies on the Distribution and Concentration of Tobacco Mosaic Virus in Host Plants. VII. Measurements of Virus in Flower Clusters and Capsules

篇名:Serological studies on th...

MATSUMOTO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Serological studies on the Distribution and Concentration of Tobacco Mosaic.....more

篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration of To-bacco mosaic virus in host plants,VIII. Supplement to report VII, with special reference to the seeds of infected plants

篇名:Serological studies on th...

):Takashi MATSUMOTO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Serological studies on the distribution and concentration.....more

篇名:Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora of Ponape, Micronesia (I)

篇名:Studies on the life-forms...

HOSOKAWA 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora.....more

篇名:Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora of Ponape, Micronesia (II)

篇名:Studies on the life-forms...

HOSOKAWA 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora.....more

篇名:Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora of Ponape, Micronesia (III)

篇名:Studies on the life-forms...

HOSOKAWA 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora.....more

篇名:臺灣產步行蟲科甲蟲研究資料;Materials for the studies on the Ground Beetles from Formosa


:n105 所在頁數:p.521-p.525 篇名:臺灣產步行蟲科甲蟲研究資料;Materials for the studies on the Ground Beetles from Formosa 文.....more

篇名:本邦產金花蟲科の研究〈I〉;Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire (I)


:v22 號次:n121 所在頁數:p.310-p.317 篇名:本邦產金花蟲科の研究〈I〉;Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire.....more

篇名:本邦產金花蟲科の研究〈II〉;Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire (II) Subfamily Orsodacuinae


:v22 號次:n122 所在頁數:p.337-p.345 篇名:本邦產金花蟲科の研究〈II〉;Studies on the Chrysomelidae in the Japanese Empire.....more

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