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共找到 292 筆符合的資料
元胡廷暉蓬萊仙會圖 軸
This painting depicts the land of the immortals where the sound of waterfalls echoes among mountain sides.....more
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清錢維城畫江閣遠帆 軸
, for a long hanging scroll to have land masses filling both sides of the painting and leaving a wide.....more
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遺物:鹿方鼎、鹿鼎、Lu Fang-ti...
' this cauldron is similiar in type'but smaller in size.The main decoration on each of the four sides.....more
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宋葉肖巖西湖十景圖 冊
”. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides. On the north and south two peaks rise in opposition. Two.....more
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清董邦達西湖十景 卷
and beauty. West Lake is surrounded on three sides by hills and is famous for its scenic sites.....more
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鏤繪集錦 冊 仙山樓閣
is based on a mirror image along both sides of the axis running down the middle. This gives a sense.....more
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and upward, arms to the sides of your body. When your hands are above your head, you can raise you head.....more
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that your hands brush past each other in front of you. Do this with the left and right sides in turn.....more
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and upward, arms to the sides of your body. When your hands are above your head, you can raise you head.....more
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that your hands brush past each other in front of you. Do this with the left and right sides in turn.....more
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唐周昉內人雙陸圖 卷
dynasty and was specifically used by figures of nobility. The piece here is a typical example. The sides.....more
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五代後蜀黃筌勘書圖 軸
openings. Three sides of the platform are decorated with low screen paintings depicting bamboo.....more
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