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共找到 111 筆符合的資料
關鍵詞:人事-薪俸津貼、會計財務-財務管理、業務-合同契約 人名資訊:Joan Clara Olsen、Mae Rivers Olsen、Y. H. Huang、本傑明.甘文基、陳良輔 地名資訊.....more
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宋元名繪 冊 宋惠崇寒林鴛圖
famous for his small scenes. His favorite subjects included scenes of cold rivers and distant islets.....more
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潛艇四艘一事酌達顧問團團長並告以{#RIVERS#}及{#PASSMAN#}兩議員明瞭各情俾該團長不致作梗又美方若詢問我前次所提購買潛艇一艘是否有效及用途時應如何作復 版本:原件 保存狀況:良好 語文.....more
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清陸恢仿北苑溪山圖 軸
。本幅為蔡辰男先生捐贈。 &*After Tung Yüan’s Rivers and Mountains Lu Hui (1851-1920) Ch’ing Dynasty Lu Hui.....more
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明沈周江山清遠圖 卷
筆墨上缺少了一份揮灑淋漓的韻致。&*Clear Distance over Rivers and Mountains Shen Chou (1427-1509) Ming Dynasty Shen.....more
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宋趙伯駒禹王開山圖 卷
and rushing rivers. Yü leads the people in opening a mountain, building a bridge over a channel.....more
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卷名:一般函件字首M(一) M Misce...
.W.Shieh、F.P.Rivers、Henry Rowold、袁桓猷、George J.Meng、M.D.Hoff 地名資訊:印第安納波里(美國)、紐約(美國)、烏斯特(美國)、匹茲堡(美國)、底特.....more
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(加拿大)、Sudbury(加拿大)、Three Rivers(加拿大)、Winnipeg(加拿大)、多倫多(加拿大)、渥太華(加拿大)、溫哥華(加拿大)、紐約(美國)、華盛頓(美國)、Saint.....more
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、Abba Eban、L. Mendel Rivers、Robert S. McNamara、蔣中正、James C. H. Shen、Lord Richard Casey、Sampson C. Shen.....more
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明謝時臣山陰歸棹圖 軸
landscape painter in the style of Shen Chou, he excelled at scenes of lakes, rivers and other large.....more
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集古名繪 冊 宋朱銳雪澗盤車
and rivers, the trip was arduous and made even more difficult during the snowy winter. This work.....more
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明董其昌?江疊嶂圖 卷
states that he followed after Misty Rivers and Layered Ridges by Wang Shen, on which was inscribed.....more
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