

Tombstone of 楊 (YANG2) family at Taiwan, Gaoxiongxian, Dashexiang, Guanyinshan. The tombstone-ID is 21820; 台灣,高雄縣,大社鄉,觀音山,楊姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 楊 (YANG2) family...

on this tombstone are (religion). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here.....more

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Shanhuazhen, Catholic graveyard near 6th public graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 26732; 台灣,台南縣,善化鎮,近第六公墓的一處天主教墓園,蔡姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family ...

on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date)(erected by); 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,善化鎮,近第六公墓的一處天主教墓園發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字.....more

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Shanhuazhen, Catholic graveyard near 6th public graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 26732; 台灣,台南縣,善化鎮,近第六公墓的一處天主教墓園,蔡姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family ...

on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date)(erected by); 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,善化鎮,近第六公墓的一處天主教墓園發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字.....more

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family at Taiwan, Jiayixian, Taibaoshi, Xinancun, Jia61. The tombstone-ID is 27344; 台灣,嘉義縣,太保鄉,新安村,嘉61號,蔡姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family ...

is top round. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date)(erected by); 這是一個在台灣,嘉義縣.....more

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family at Taiwan, Jiayixian, Xingangxiang, Xingangcun, 1st public graveyard. The tombstone-ID is 27241; 台灣,嘉義縣,新港鄉,新港村,第一公墓,林姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 林 (LIN2) family ...

top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (religion & generation). ; 這是一個.....more

Tombstone of 葉 (YE4) family at Taiwan, Nantouxian, Zhushanzhen, Sheliaocun, close to road. The tombstone-ID is 31156; 台灣,南投縣,竹山鎮,社寮村,靠近路旁,葉姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 葉 (YE4) family a...

element here is (religion & generation). ; 這是一個在台灣,南投縣,竹山鎮,社寮村,靠近路旁發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的, 而後塗上金色.....more

唐太宗立像(二) 軸

唐太宗立像(二) 軸

. The bodhisattva Kuan-yin also came to preach Buddhism, telling him of this religion in India.....more

Tombstone of 柯 (KE1) family at Taiwan, Pingdongxian, Gaoshuxiang, Wenzhou graveyard north of Gaoshu, east of Highway 27. The tombstone-ID is 3175; 台灣,屏東縣,高樹鄉,溫州人,鄉的北邊,台27號東邊,柯姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 柯 (KE1) family a...

element here is (religion & generation). ; 這是一個在台灣,屏東縣,高樹鄉,溫州人,鄉的北邊,台27號東邊發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的, 而後.....more

Tombstone of 李 (LI3) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Shoufengxiang, Xikoucun, Shoufengxiang dier gongmu, completely Seediq. The tombstone-ID is 10837; 台灣,花蓮縣,壽豐鄉,溪口村,壽豐鄉第二公墓,全為賽德克族,李姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 李 (LI3) family a...

by). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (religion & cross). ; 這是一個在台灣.....more

Tombstone of 黃 (HUANG2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Hualianshi and Xinchengxiang, long graveyard along the beach. The tombstone-ID is 8327; 台灣,花蓮縣,花蓮市及新城鄉間,沿著海岸成長條狀分佈的墓園,黃姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 黃 (HUANG2) famil...

is rectangular. , The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date). The symmetric top-part.....more

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Xinchengxiang, entrance of Tailuge, north of Highway 8, Christian, Military and Aborigines. The tombstone-ID is 10343; 台灣,花蓮縣,新城鄉,太魯閣入口處,台8號北邊,含基督教、軍人,及原住民墓,蔡姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family ...

, . The tombstone has the shape of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person)(date.....more

Tombstone of 黃 (HUANG2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Xinchengxiang, entrance of Tailuge, north of Highway 8, Christian, Military and Aborigines. The tombstone-ID is 10392; 台灣,花蓮縣,新城鄉,太魯閣入口處,台8號北邊,含基督教、軍人,及原住民墓,黃姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 黃 (HUANG2) famil...

, and they are gold, . The tombstone has the shape of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person.....more

Tombstone of 王 (WANG2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Xinchengxiang, entrance of Tailuge, north of Highway 8, Christian, Military and Aborigines. The tombstone-ID is 10227; 台灣,花蓮縣,新城鄉,太魯閣入口處,台8號北邊,含基督教、軍人,及原住民墓,王姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 王 (WANG2) family...

, . The tombstone has the shape of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person.....more

Tombstone of 黃 (HUANG2) family at Taiwan, Hualianxian, Xinchengxiang, entrance of Tailuge, north of Highway 8, Christian, Military and Aborigines. The tombstone-ID is 10392; 台灣,花蓮縣,新城鄉,太魯閣入口處,台8號北邊,含基督教、軍人,及原住民墓,黃姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 黃 (HUANG2) famil...

, and they are gold, . The tombstone has the shape of a cross. The elements on this tombstone are (religion)(person.....more


Understanding in Religious Stu...

Understanding Religion and religious knowledge Methodology Scientific study of religion 宗教研究 國家圖書館.....more
