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the place. All day angry crowds in front of the door. 內容摘要說明:領事早上前來,拜會滿清軍官,派了二十個士兵前來防衛這裡。整天都是暴怒的群眾聚在門口.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Moved back to my own place' Wrote to Mr. Maclaran 內容摘要說明:搬回我自己的地方,寫信給麥克連 核心人物:馬偕.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Junor and I went to a place to see a Theatrical where I extracted teeth etc. I.....more
. 12 men from H.M.S. "Sheldrake" came up to my place. I preached on Heb.12:1 Mr. Junor on Xt.....more
in eve. I spoke in eve. on Rom. 3: 22. faith. place quite full. 核心人物:馬偕 原文:英文 譯文:中文 登錄號:18791112 .....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:all went to au-lang' place filled I and Seng preached forenoon & Tan-ho & myself.....more
we were at his place all night. 核心人物:馬偕 原文:英文 譯文:中文 登錄號:18800202 .....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Early in the morning saw Aden which looked fine at sunrise. The place looked.....more
Dolorosa' wailing place of Jews. 12 Jews present' Mosque of Omar.Pool of Bet 核心人物:馬偕 原文:英文 譯文:中文 登錄號.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Left Ajalon early by carriage & passed Kirjathjearin' birth-place of John.....more
Rachel's tomb and the place where Say Xt. born' all Superstition' a plate for money Just where say manger.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:In bed sick. afternoon went to Jew's wailing place' men' women & children.....more
for Vesuvius. Took train to a place called then a horse and gradually began to ascend through vines.....more
/2 a.m. I preached in the saloon on Heb. 12:1. Place quite full. again at 4 P.M. I spoke on Formosa.....more
the black flag of heathenism & put up the flag of Jesus to put in place of Confu. Budd. & Tauism.....more