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共找到 23353 筆符合的資料
明文徵明草書七言詩 軸
of energy permeates the entire work. In the poem, he mentions a monastery on Mt. T’ai-p’ing which.....more
- 20311/23353
明郭詡東山攜妓圖 軸
(320-385) excursion to Mt. Tung with his courtesans. Hsieh An, premier of Eastern Chin, became.....more
- 20313/23353
清王翬蛟門曉發圖 軸
of the early Ch’ing dynasty. The scene depicted is that of Mt. Chiao-men in the Eastern Sea of Chen.....more
- 20314/23353
清超揆杜牧詩意圖 軸
, and was summoned to Peking, where the emperor built a pagoda for him at Mt. Yü-ch'üan. He.....more
- 20315/23353
元明書翰第十五冊 冊 明文徵明...
and Ming Calligraphy,” was done in 1529 when Wen was at the Chinese age of 60. Written on “Mt. Jinsu.....more
- 20316/23353
藝林清賞 冊 清小癡泰岱瞻雲圖
of the east, Mt. T’ai. A pine forest and monasteries are nestled in the stretch of mountains shrouded.....more
- 20317/23353
級行政分區中文名(縣/市):沖繩縣 地名中文名:水庫 地名英文名:.Mt. Daruma. 標本內容:成蛙 保存方法:Formalin 中文保存方法:福馬林浸液 館號(編目號):00003526 .....more
- 20318/23353
明王寵自書五憶歌 卷
on sutra paper from Mt. Chin-su. The paper texture is stiff and capable of revealing Wang’s quick.....more
- 20319/23353
明文徵明倣王蒙山水 軸
is overlapping and very intricate, resembling Shen Chou’s “Lofty Mt. Lu.” But “Lofty Mt. Lu” is a short.....more
- 20321/23353
明文伯仁圓嶠書屋圖 軸
of the legendary Daoist sea peak known as Mt. Yuanjiao. The real leading character, however.....more
- 20322/23353
名繪萃珍 冊 宋劉松年金華叱石
story goes that Huang was known as “Red Pine” and had the Red Pine Abbey built at Mt. Chin-hua.....more
- 20323/23353
博物館 英文國名:CHINA 第一級行政分區中文名(省/府/州):台灣 第二級行政分區中文名(縣/市):宜蘭縣 地名中文名:南澳太平山 地名英文名:Nanao Hsiang.Mt. Taiping.....more
- 20324/23353