

Ardisia cornudentata Mez 鐵雨傘

Ardisia cornudentata Mez 鐵雨...

備註:On roadside of forest. Shrub. Fruits red. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin 採集號:03896 英文 中文.....more

Rhamnus formosana Matsum. 桶鉤藤

Rhamnus formosana Matsum. 桶鉤...

:On roadside of forest. Woody vine. Fruits purplish-black. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin 採集號.....more

Senecio scandens Buch. -Ham. ex D. Don 蔓黃菀

Senecio scandens Buch. -Ham. e...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:1500 M 備註:On roadside of forest. Herb. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin 採集號.....more

Pasania brevicaudata (Skan) Schott. 短尾柯

Pasania brevicaudata (Skan) Sc...

灣) 海拔:1500 M 備註:On roadside of forest. Tree. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin 採集號:03891 英文 中文.....more

Celastrus hindsii Benth. 南華南蛇藤

Celastrus hindsii Benth. 南華...

:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03263 英文 中文 270648 .....more

Leucanthemum vulgare (L.) H. J. Lam. 法國菊

Leucanthemum vulgare (L.) H. J...

), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03259 英文 中文 270647 .....more

Trifolium dubium Sibth. 黃菽草

Trifolium dubium Sibth. 黃菽草...

), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03264 英文 中文 270649 .....more

Debregeasia orientalis C. J. Chen 水麻

Debregeasia orientalis C. J. C...

:1980 M 備註:On roadside. Fruits orange when mature. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號.....more

Malva sp.

Malva sp.

-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03256 英文 中文 270645 .....more

Arabis lyrata L. var. kamtschatica Fisch. ex DC. 玉山筷子芥

Arabis lyrata L. var. kamtscha...

拔:3020 M 備註:On roadside. Flowers white. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03283 英文.....more

Viola adenothrix Hayata var. tsugitakaensis (Masamune) Wang & Huang 雪山菫菜

Viola adenothrix Hayata var. t...

. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03284 英文 中文 270656 .....more

Veronica morrisonicola Hayata 玉山水苦藚

Veronica morrisonicola Hayata ...

of forest. Corolla bluish-purple. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03277 英文 中文 270653 .....more

Corydalis ophiocarpa Hook. f. & Thoms. 彎果黃菫

Corydalis ophiocarpa Hook. f. ...

:On roadside. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03287 英文 中文 270658 .....more

Pedicularis verticillata L. 馬先蒿

Pedicularis verticillata L. 馬...

purplish-red. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03285 英文 中文 270657 .....more

Eurya strigillosa Hayata 粗毛柃木

Eurya strigillosa Hayata 粗毛...

with stiff hairs. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美), H. M. Lin, C. P. Lu 採集號:03270 英文 中文 270651 .....more
