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共找到 1793 筆符合的資料
明文徵明草書七言詩 軸
’ing-chien and Chao Meng-fu. In this hanging scroll, he has written large characters in running cursive.....more
- 961/1793
宋元寶翰 冊 宋樓鑰呈提舉郎中...
writings survive in Collection of Meikui. As for calligraphy, Lou Yue was gifted at large characters.....more
- 962/1793
唐宋元明集繪 冊 宋馬遠山水人...
later known as “One-corner Ma.” The boulders depicted in this painting have been modeled with large.....more
- 965/1793
宋四家法書 卷 宋黃庭堅致明叔...
. Later, Huang used the I-he ming inscription as his model for large character calligraphy and took.....more
- 966/1793
明祝允明臨黃庭經 卷
to Suzhou, Jiang-su. At the age of 5 he reportedly could write large characters, and he came.....more
- 967/1793
清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸
of precipitous cliffs and tall pines on one side which are compositionally balanced with large trees.....more
- 969/1793
宋夏珪雪屐探梅圖 軸
動於西元一一八○─一二三○年前後),字禹玉,錢塘人。南宋寧宗、理宗時任職畫院。擅畫山水、人物,與馬遠齊名,時稱「馬夏」。 &* The branches of a large plum tree.....more
- 971/1793
清沈荃書唐人早朝詩 軸
still has its own strengths, as is apparent in this large hanging scroll. 本幅 322.5x48.5公分、全幅 79.3公分 類型:書.....more
- 972/1793
明文徵明自書詩帖 卷
Cheng-ming wrote this 149-character piece in 48 lines when he was eighty years of age. In large.....more
- 973/1793
明祝允明書七言律詩 卷
, was said to have been able to write large character calligraphy at the tender age of four and compose.....more
- 974/1793
明人摹西園雅集圖 軸
to an anonymous work on this subject in the National Palace Museum collection. The motifs of large pines.....more
- 975/1793