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共找到 1793 筆符合的資料
號H27/046) 主要題名-日文:穀入れ籠 主要題名-英文:Large Basket 中文說明:籮筐以細竹篾編成,底呈四方形,口緣呈圓形,為加強籮筐的承受力,筐緣到筐底四方有籐接連同時在口緣上特別設.....more
- 391/1793
) 主要題名-日文:穀入れ籠と天秤棒 主要題名-英文:Carrying Pole for Large Baskets 中文說明:本件器物為一組,共有三件,兩隻籮筐和一根扁擔。籮筐由竹篾編成,扁擔由一根竹.....more
- 392/1793
a large belly. It also has on trousers and shoes. It has a cunning expression. One eye is large.....more
- 393/1793
been fairly large individuals, because the hexagonal bottom is quite large. Smaller ducks or chickens.....more
- 394/1793
to the gods. This bell-shaped wine pot or carafe has a small spout and large base. The handle is shaped.....more
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びたとうとする鶏の画がある。民初年代の作品。 英文說明:This soup bowl is comparatively large and commonly called a “碗公” or more.....more
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明文徵明書七言律詩 軸
Hsien-chih. For Wen's large characters, he drew on the style of Huang T'ing-chien, developing.....more
- 399/1793
唐搨顏真卿麻姑仙壇記 卷
recorded the story behind the legend of the immortal Magu achieving the Tao. Generally when large.....more
- 402/1793
明仇英長夏江村圖 卷
and then, after jumping to a mountain range and a large rocky area on the other bank, we enter.....more
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