搜尋:i ch


明董其昌書杜律 冊

明董其昌書杜律 冊

所作。董氏傳世草書不多,本冊受二王及懷素風格影響,然運筆構字、線條粗細、轉折起伏,皆較早期稍富變化,通幅多用中鋒圓筆,筆乾墨燥,時出飛白,洋溢動態之美。&*Tung Ch'i-ch'ang.....more

清嚴宏滋採芝仙圖 軸

清嚴宏滋採芝仙圖 軸

A.D.) Ch’ing dynasty A skilled calligrapher and painter, Yen Hung-tzu (tzu P’i-hsü) was noted.....more

清董邦達三潭印月 軸

清董邦達三潭印月 軸

served on the Board of Rites. He studied the landscape painting of Tung Chi-ch’ang (1555-1636.....more

DL_002_0002, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Nagarjuna, Six Collections of Reasonings 六理聚論

DL_002_0002, His Holiness the ...

gtam bya ba rin po ch'i phreng ba. The first five focus on the view of emptiness while the sixth.....more

DL_002_0003, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Nagarjuna, Six Collections of Reasonings 六理聚論

DL_002_0003, His Holiness the ...

gtam bya ba rin po ch'i phreng ba. The first five focus on the view of emptiness while the sixth.....more

DL_002_0004, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Nagarjuna, Six Collections of Reasonings 六理聚論

DL_002_0004, His Holiness the ...

gtam bya ba rin po ch'i phreng ba. The first five focus on the view of emptiness while the sixth.....more

DL_002_0005, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Nagarjuna, Six Collections of Reasonings 六理聚論

DL_002_0005, His Holiness the ...

gtam bya ba rin po ch'i phreng ba. The first five focus on the view of emptiness while the sixth.....more

DL_002_0006, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Nagarjuna, Six Collections of Reasonings 六理聚論

DL_002_0006, His Holiness the ...

gtam bya ba rin po ch'i phreng ba. The first five focus on the view of emptiness while the sixth.....more

DL_002_0001, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on Nagarjuna, Six Collections of Reasonings 六理聚論

DL_002_0001, His Holiness the ...

gtam bya ba rin po ch'i phreng ba. The first five focus on the view of emptiness while the sixth.....more

名人便面畫冊 冊 清曹松年蕭翼賺蘭亭

名人便面畫冊 冊 清曹松年蕭翼...

。而旁邊的僕從,手搔頭頂,表示錯愕,狀態引人發笑。 &*Hsiao I Acquiring the Orchid Pavilion Preface by Deception Ts’ao Sung.....more

披薰集古 冊 明張宏畫秋江夜渡

披薰集古 冊 明張宏畫秋江夜渡

chose the subject from Song of the P’i-p’a by Po Chü-i, completing it in 1628 at the age of 51.....more

清赫奕晴嵐晚翠 軸

清赫奕晴嵐晚翠 軸

’ang-hsi reign period (1662-1722). A disciple of Wang Yüan-chi, he excelled in painting.....more

清艾啟蒙畫風猩 軸

清艾啟蒙畫風猩 軸

細而秀潤,設色雅淡而清麗,與鄒一桂蔣廷錫筆畫有契合處,為艾氏精心之作。 &* Ignace Sichelbart, known in China as Ai chi-meng.....more

明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸

明顧正誼溪山秋爽 軸

Chi-ch’ang was one of his students. The format of this work is long and narrow. The mountains seem.....more

明唐寅雙松飛瀑圖 軸

明唐寅雙松飛瀑圖 軸

Liu-ju chü-shih’s Painting Manual, “I have discarded all my worldly possessions. All I ask.....more
