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共找到 50 筆符合的資料
清王翬倣黃公望筆意 軸
a Mountain Range by Wang Hui also was once in Sung Chih’s collection. 本幅 109.2x53.2公分、全幅 79公分 清聖祖康熙三十.....more
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宋人法書(一) 冊 宋徽宗書詩
leaf in the album Sung-jen fa-shu I.&宋徽宗(1082-1151),姓趙名佶,神宗十一子。性好書畫稟賦極高,書畫無不.....more
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清宋駿業林亭煙岫 軸
Hui to work at his home, thus allowing Sung to advance his own painting technique greatly. He.....more
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清王翬倣巨然夏山圖 軸
於熟?用生,墨氣極得溫潤婉約之韻。以淺清淡赭層層烘染,遂覺俊雅出塵,卓然超特。成於康熙甲申(一七0四年),時年七十三歲。 &* Wang Hui was a native of Ch’ang-shu.....more
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宋郭忠恕雪霽江行圖 軸
painting during the Northern Sung, and Kuo Chung-shu is mentioned as its first master. The left side.....more
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清王翬臨范寬雪山圖 軸
十七歲「臨范寬雪山蕭寺圖」,結構用筆皆一本原作。其中稍有所增,如幅右遠山,中間忽成兩疊。最右一山,為原畫所無,蓋定稿後所添,非初臨時之原意也。 &* Wang Hui was a native.....more
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清吳歷倣吳鎮山水 軸
Well]) was a native of Ch’ang-shu, Kiangsu. Wu Li studied painting as an adult with Wang Shih-min.....more
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宋賢書翰 冊 宋朱熹致教授學士...
. This is the 20th leaf in the album Sung hsien shu-han. 本幅 33.9x51.7公分、全幅 42.2x59.6 公分 類型:書法 型式:文字 朱熹 數位化執行單.....more
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宋十二名家法書 冊 宋吳琚書識...
in the entire work is free and unrestrained. This is the twelfth leaf in the album Sung shih-erh chih fa-shu. 本.....more
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清吳歷雲白山青圖 卷
Hui were both students of Wang Chien and Wang Shih-min. These four are often grouped.....more
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宋代墨寶 冊 宋徽宗書牡丹詩
-i (fl. 1350's) says of the Emperor in his Shu-shih Hui-yao: "The force of the brush.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 宋馮大有太液荷風
of light and dark, wind and rain. In this work, the ninth leaf from the album Sung Yuan chi-hui.....more
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The Perinatal Outcomes of Asym...
, Cheng-hui Chen, Yi-ling Sung, Tseng-chen Bai, Chyi-huey Jow, Guey-mei The Perinatal Outcomes.....more
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