搜尋:he yang


名人畫扇貳冊 (上) 冊 清蔣廷錫花果

名人畫扇貳冊 (上) 冊 清蔣廷...

矩,較無瀟洒自由的本色,是美中不足。本幅為名人畫扇上冊第十二幅。 &* Chiang T’ing-hsi (style names Yang-sun and Yu-chun; sobriquets.....more

名人便面畫冊 冊 清李世倬梅竹幽鳥

名人便面畫冊 冊 清李世倬梅竹...

-shih chü-shih) was a native of Feng-t’ien (modern Shen-yang, Liaoning). Li Shih-chuo.....more

歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花 

歷代集繪 冊 無款桃花 

-shan, was a native of Ho-chung, Shansi Province. He served in the Imperial Painting Academy under.....more

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾尺牘

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾...

. Banished often as an official, he was even exiled as far away as Qiongzhou (modern Hainan). His.....more

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾尺牘

宋眉山蘇氏三世遺翰 冊 宋蘇軾...

. Banished often as an official, he was even exiled as far away as Qiongzhou (modern Hainan). His.....more

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

Worthies. A skilled painter of bamboo, he wrote a manual on bamboo painting that became widely popular.....more

明欽揖摹古 冊 墨梅

明欽揖摹古 冊 墨梅

in I (style name Yüan-yu) was a native of Wu-hsien (modern Soochow, Kiangsu). Aloof by nature, he.....more

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

歷代名繪 冊 宋燕肅山居圖

, but moved to Yang-ts'ui in Honan later. Both his personality and literary works were highly esteemed.....more

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

元李衎四季平安圖 軸

Worthies. A skilled painter of bamboo, he wrote a manual on bamboo painting that became widely popular.....more

元朱德潤雨山喧瀑 軸

元朱德潤雨山喧瀑 軸

Tse-min) was a native of Sui-yang (the modern-day Shang-ch'iu) in Honan province. He is most famous.....more

明陳淳畫牡丹 軸

明陳淳畫牡丹 軸

was a disciple of Wen Cheng-ming. He excelled at painting flowers in the “sketching ideas” manner.....more

宋蘇氏一門法書 冊 宋蘇軾書尺牘

宋蘇氏一門法書 冊 宋蘇軾書尺...

, in the latter he achieved the virtues of the Two Wangs, Yan Zhenqing, Li Yong, and Yang Ningshi.....more

清董邦達畫御花園古柏圖 軸

清董邦達畫御花園古柏圖 軸

of Fu-yang in Chekiang province. He received the chin-shih civil service degree in 1733 and, because.....more

清董邦達楓谿觀瀑高宗御題 軸

清董邦達楓谿觀瀑高宗御題 軸

Dynasty Tung Pang-ta was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. His style name was Fu-ts’un and his sobriquet.....more

清董邦達畫谿山深雪圖 軸

清董邦達畫谿山深雪圖 軸

) was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. In 1737 A.D. he was appointed to the post of government compiler.....more
