搜尋:he he


宋高宗書女孝經馬和之補圖上卷 卷

宋高宗書女孝經馬和之補圖上卷 ...

elements, he succeeded in creating his own style and was famous for his landscape and figure painting.....more

清王鑑倣王蒙秋山圖 軸

清王鑑倣王蒙秋山圖 軸

and had a large family collection of art. He served up to the post of Prefect of Lianzhou. Gifted.....more

清高宗御臨蘇軾帖 軸

清高宗御臨蘇軾帖 軸

) became emperor in 1735 and took the reign name Ch’ien-lung. He ruled for 60 years with great.....more

明王寵自書五憶歌 卷

明王寵自書五憶歌 卷

and forceful brushwork as well as the areas where he lifted and pressed the brush. Wang’s brushwork has.....more

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下吹笛

明人畫扇面 (乙) 冊 明人月下...

moved to Wu County. He studied painting with Chou Ch’en, and was skilled in imitating the works.....more

清繡線佛像(五)文殊菩薩 軸

清繡線佛像(五)文殊菩薩 軸

) with a very gentle appearance. He relaxes and sits at ease on a brocaded daybed with his feet crossed.....more

清繡線佛像(七)釋迦牟尼佛 軸

清繡線佛像(七)釋迦牟尼佛 軸

-closed eyes as if in a serene state of bliss. He holds his right hand in the symbol of preaching.....more

五代梁關仝秋山晚翠 軸

五代梁關仝秋山晚翠 軸

文貴(約九六七-一0四四)略近,故時代應可置入北宋中期。 &*Kuan T'ung was a native of Ch'ang-an in Shansi. He was a pupil.....more

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸

, the son of Li ssu-hsün, was born in T'ien-shui in Kansu province. He excelled in painting.....more

唐人春郊遊騎圖 軸

唐人春郊遊騎圖 軸

n the center is rendered frontally and wears clothing different from the other six, indicating that he may.....more

五代南唐趙幹江行初雪圖 卷

五代南唐趙幹江行初雪圖 卷

and bamboo, it is said that he deeply expressed the boundless sentiment of nature.....more

宋李公麟免冑圖 卷

宋李公麟免冑圖 卷

by Kuo’s loyalty to the T’ang and his bravery that he dropped his weapons, dismounted, and bowed.....more

元倪瓚容膝齋圖 軸

元倪瓚容膝齋圖 軸

of Wu-hsi, Kiangsu. Son of a wealthy merchant, he was a bibliophile, collector, amateur poet.....more

元倪瓚江岸望山圖 軸

元倪瓚江岸望山圖 軸

-hsi, Kiangsu. He came from a wealthy family and built the Ch'ing-pi-ko to house.....more

元倪瓚紫芝山房圖 軸

元倪瓚紫芝山房圖 軸

ovince, come from a wealthy family, allowing him to amass a collection of painting and calligraphy. He.....more
