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共找到 4481 筆符合的資料
草書 李白 山中答問
後五字「天地非人間」上下壓縮,具奇崛之感,同時筆勢中線順勢向左偏移,流動飄逸之態,借以呼應詩意內容的仙境意趣。(陳章錫賞析說明) DingQi_C-he_589 .....more
- 3095/4481
錄遊山蕉作 於臺灣嘉義
書壇,眾人習書率皆以平正停勻為能事,相較於鶴師對書道的實踐,實未能豹窺書道之妙。昔王子敬曾云:「外人哪得知。」嘆相知者稀,也許值得學書人去深究書道內涵。 (蕭漢榮賞析說明) DingQi_C-he.....more
- 3098/4481
元黃公望洞庭奇峰 軸
asked Shen Du (1357-1434) to write an inscription. When Wen Zhengming saw the painting in 1510, he also.....more
- 3100/4481
五代南唐顧閎中鍾馗出獵圖 卷
the tiger. After them, comes Chung K'uei in official regalia riding a donkey. He is out on his demon hunting.....more
- 3104/4481

明陸治彭澤高縱 冊頁
, this is the earliest surviving painting by Lu Chih. It dates to 1423, when he was 27. At that time.....more
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