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共找到 142 筆符合的資料
as hanging ornaments. This example consists of two separate parts. The top part has Chinese.....more
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/002) 主要題名-日文:鄭香圃掛軸 主要題名-英文:Hanging Scroll by Zheng Xiang Po 中文說明:字清渠,號梅癡,清光緒十八年生。素性好學而淡泊仕途,並雅愛書畫金石,尤以梅.....more
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/004) 主要題名-日文:劉暁中堂掛軸 主要題名-英文:汹汹汹Hanging Scroll by Liu Xiao Cun 中文說明:名發桂,字頤堂,號蟹江或種梅道人,清同治十年,生於中縣石岡鄉土牛村。幼.....more
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/009) 主要題名-日文:謝曦中堂掛軸 主要題名-英文:Hanging Scroll by Xie Xi 中文說明:字發川,福建人,清乾隆間輔佐景英守鹿港,有名幕美稱,並以書法獨樹一幟。及嘉慶元年,詔舉.....more
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) 主要題名-日文:説剣道人の掛軸 主要題名-英文:Hanging Scroll by Shuo Jian Dao Ren 中文說明:此幅係說劍道人為友人龜山別墅而作,全篇採七言律詩,概述當時情境及二.....more
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清張照書御製芝蘭曲 軸
. In this hanging scroll, Chang Chao has written tightly structured characters in an even.....more
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明董其昌臨張旭郎官壁記 軸
-yin" (seal of the great Tsung-po) seal impressed on this hanging scroll indicates that it was written.....more
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清郎世寧十駿犬茹黃豹 軸
of the ten hanging scrolls depicting imperial hounds, the one here named “Ju-huang.....more
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清郎世寧孔雀開屏 軸
-and-flowers. This work is a depiction of peacocks roaming about a garden. Done on a huge hanging scroll.....more
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清方士庶仿董源夏山?靄圖 軸
“Mist Over Summer Mountains,” but here the composition has been altered to suit the vertical hanging.....more
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清?殘山高水長圖 軸
into the sky with rainbows hanging form its waterfalls. In the thatched pavilion.....more
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stretching your back and hanging your arms naturally at your sides. Perform the following movements.....more
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