搜尋:great a


元趙孟頫書畫孝經 卷

元趙孟頫書畫孝經 卷

and effected a great influence on later generations.&*《孝經》舊傳為孔子(西元前五五一-四七九年)與曾子(西元前五○五-四三五)之間的對話,全文凡十八章,闡述孝道精義.....more

元龔開鍾進士移居圖 卷

元龔開鍾進士移居圖 卷

follower of the great T'ang painter, Ts'ao Pa (fl. 8th c.), but Kung's method of description was somewhat.....more

元人法書 冊 倪瓚書詩五則

元人法書 冊 倪瓚書詩五則

noted in painting for a pure and remote landscape style and as one of the Four Great Yuan Masters. His.....more

宋元集繪 冊 元趙孟頫疏林秀石

宋元集繪 冊 元趙孟頫疏林秀石

brushstroke; the twisting and turning of the brush being accomplished with great skill. Dilute ink.....more

清王原祁仿黃公望筆意 軸

清王原祁仿黃公望筆意 軸

Wang Shih-min (1592-1680), and is included among the Four Great Masters of the Ch’ing Dynasty.....more

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治秋卉

明人便面畫冊(二) 冊 明陸治...

flower-and-bird and bamboo-and-rock paintings show a great sense of animation. Lu became a well-known.....more

明人扇頭畫 冊 明陸治水墨山水

明人扇頭畫 冊 明陸治水墨山水

to learn directly from the great Wu School painter Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559). Under Wen’s direction.....more

唐吳彩鸞書唐韻 冊

唐吳彩鸞書唐韻 冊

is said to have transcribed rhymes as a way to make a living. With great expansiveness making.....more

元明人詞翰 卷 王逢書五言古詩

元明人詞翰 卷 王逢書五言古詩

, he is still considered a great calligrapher. Wang Feng wrote this poem in five-character verse.....more

明沈周扁舟詩思圖 軸

明沈周扁舟詩思圖 軸

was one of the Four Great Masters of the Ming. A river extends back into the distance as spits.....more

明沈周畫芝蘭玉樹 軸

明沈周畫芝蘭玉樹 軸

their subtle skill. They present strong, weighty imagery that calls forth a feeling of great.....more

明沈周蒼?高話圖 軸

明沈周蒼?高話圖 軸

to his interests in poetry, painting and calligraphy. He is one of the Four Great Masters of the Ming.....more

明文徵明千巖競秀 軸

明文徵明千巖競秀 軸

had studied under Shen Chou. Wen later became known as one of the Four Great Masters of the Ming.....more

明李士達坐聽松風圖 軸

明李士達坐聽松風圖 軸

in waiting. The brushwork is pure and unusual, not following earlier styles, and possessing great originality.....more

明董其昌葑涇訪古圖 軸

明董其昌葑涇訪古圖 軸

) was a great connoisseur and collector, and also an important painter-calligrapher and theorist. Done.....more
