

清王原祁仿黃公望秋山 軸

清王原祁仿黃公望秋山 軸

by another pulsating form on the right of tree clusters and mountains. Between the motion of the two.....more

名賢妙蹟 冊 宋馬遠倚雲仙杏

名賢妙蹟 冊 宋馬遠倚雲仙杏

and others still in bud form, vie for position and turn in space in a natural manner. Above.....more

清董邦達翠岩紅樹御題 軸

清董邦達翠岩紅樹御題 軸

myriad clusters of mountains broken by paths form a winding, complex composition. Executed in the so.....more

集古圖繪 冊 明陳惟允詩意圖

集古圖繪 冊 明陳惟允詩意圖

was 64. Both painting and calligraphy form an ideal complement. This is from the album Collection.....more

花卉畫冊 冊 明陳繼儒梅花

花卉畫冊 冊 明陳繼儒梅花

of the brushstrokes gives emphasis to form or color, being able to give free rein to manifesting the intriguing.....more

明呂紀寒雪山雞圖 軸

明呂紀寒雪山雞圖 軸

wisteria vines and the motionless form of the pheasant also contribute to the sense.....more

清王原祁秋山圖 軸

清王原祁秋山圖 軸

mountain form. This work in dry brushwork delineates the outlines of rocks and trees for the mountains.....more

宋人畫調鶴采花仙 軸

宋人畫調鶴采花仙 軸

, the cliffs form a background for the figures and the winding path in the foreground opens up to a winding.....more

明文徵明蘭亭修禊圖 軸

明文徵明蘭亭修禊圖 軸

it was customary on the first cyclical ssu 巳 day of the third lunar month to bath in a stream as a form.....more

宋劉松年西園雅集 卷

宋劉松年西園雅集 卷

took their activities and illustrated them as a form of appreciation or commemoration. The theme.....more

宋馬遠華燈侍宴圖 軸

宋馬遠華燈侍宴圖 軸

, in the courtyard, female palace musicians and dancers put on a show. Judging from the form.....more

明沈周化鬚疏 卷

明沈周化鬚疏 卷

. In landscapes, he followed his family in learning Song and Yuan styles to form his own. Shen’s friend, Zhao.....more

宋郭忠恕雪霽江行圖 軸

宋郭忠恕雪霽江行圖 軸

. The unusually simple form of the sides and front of the ships is rarely seen in painting after the 11th.....more

五代梁荊浩匡廬圖 軸

五代梁荊浩匡廬圖 軸

to the form of representation in Li T'ang's “Windy Pines Among a Myriad Valleys” from 1124.....more

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

宋人畫千手千眼觀世音菩薩 軸

. A moustache can be seen on Kuan-yin's upper lip, though already the form and manner.....more
