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共找到 85 筆符合的資料
微透鏡 效率 填充率 有機發光元件 Microlens Efficiency Fill factor Organic light emitting device OLED 國家圖書館.....more
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微透鏡 熱整形 效率 填充率 有機發光元件 Microlens Thermal reflow Efficiency Fill factor Organic light-emitting device.....more
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網路緩衝 時間填補機制 等待時間知覺 插播式廣告 Internet buffer Fill mechanism Waiting time perception Interstitial ads 國家.....more
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regeneration Bone fill 國家圖書館 20021200 期刊論文 鄭淑敏(Jehng, Shur-miin) 硫酸鈣及脫鈣冷凍乾燥同種異質骨在牙周組織再生治療的臨床病例報告 臺灣期.....more
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The Study of the Best-fit Desi...
訂製式人工髖關節 電腦斷層 X光片 吻合度 Custom-made hip prosthesis CT X-ray film Fit and fill 國家圖書館 20001200 期刊論文 黃問昇.....more
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analysis DGA Puncture voltage Nitrogen gas-fill tool Oil sampling from bushing Gasket 國家圖書館 20030900 期刊論文.....more
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Forgery of bills To fill up the inchoate instruments with injustice Cancellation of bills Revision.....more
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機動部隊 蜘蛛女 劃鏡 Contemporary cinematic canvas Double indemnity Femme fatale Fill light Film noir Fort-da.....more
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宋黃居寀山鷓棘雀圖 軸
. In this painting the birds, rocks and bamboo fill the whole area leaving little empty space.....more
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宋黃居寀山鷓棘雀圖 軸
. In this painting the birds, rocks and bamboo fill the whole area leaving little empty space.....more
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