

Tombstone of 羅 (LUO2) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14899; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,羅姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 羅 (LUO2) family ...

element here is (location). ; 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的, 而後塗上金色。這個墓碑的上方是圓弧形。這個墓碑上所.....more

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14900; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,張姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) famil...

)(date)(erected). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here.....more

Tombstone of 王 (WANG2) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14896; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,王姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 王 (WANG2) family...

)(erected). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here.....more

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14891; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,張姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 張 (ZHANG1) famil...

). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (government). ; 這是一個.....more

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14907; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,陳姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family...

of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (location). ; 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接.....more

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14908; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,陳姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family...

of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (location). ; 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接.....more

Tombstone of 曾 (ZENG1) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14937; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,曾姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 曾 (ZENG1) family...

of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (location). ; 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上.....more

Tombstone of 黃 (HUANG2) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14932; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,黃姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 黃 (HUANG2) famil...

element here is (location). ; 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村發現的墳墓。這個墓碑上的文字都是直接鑿刻上去的, 而後塗上紅色。這個墓碑的上方是圓弧形。這個墓碑上所.....more

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14910; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,陳姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 陳 (CHEN2) family...

)(erected by). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here.....more

Tombstone of 劉 (LIU2) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14939; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,劉姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 劉 (LIU2) family ...

)(erected by). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here.....more

Tombstone of 翁 (WENG1) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14906; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,翁姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 翁 (WENG1) family...

). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (location). ; 這是.....more

Tombstone of 施 (SHI1) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14919; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,施姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 施 (SHI1) family ...

top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (location). ; 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義.....more

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14951; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,蔡姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 蔡 (CAI4) family ...

of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here is (location). ; 這是一個在台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村發現的墳墓。這個墓碑.....more

Tombstone of 吳 (WU2) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14959; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,吳姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 吳 (WU2) family a...

)(erected by). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here.....more

Tombstone of 郭 (GUO1) family at Taiwan, Tainanxian, Xinshixiang, Zhimuyicun. The tombstone-ID is 14948; 台灣,台南縣,新市鎮,知母義村,郭姓之墓碑。

Tombstone of 郭 (GUO1) family ...

)(erected by). The symmetric top-part of the tombstone is the focus. The focused element here.....more
