

篇名:Description of a new species of Bostrychidae (Coleoptera) and notices of some others.

篇名:Description of a new spec...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species of Bostrychidae (Coleoptera) and notices of some.....more

篇名:Description of a new Species of Longicorn Beetles from Formosa (IV)

篇名:Description of a new Spec...

MITONO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Species of Longicorn Beetles from Formosa (IV) 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學.....more

篇名:Description of a new species of Formosan Languridae (Col.)

篇名:Description of a new spec...

. MIWA and M. CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species of Formosan Languridae (Col.) 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會.....more

篇名:Description of a new species of Silphidae from Formosa (Coleoptera)

篇名:Description of a new spec...

):Yûshirô MIWA 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species of Silphidae from Formosa (Coleoptera) 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學.....more

篇名:Description of new species of Longicorn Beetles from Formosa (V)

篇名:Description of new specie...

MITONO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of new species of Longicorn Beetles from Formosa (V) 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報.....more

篇名:Description of a new Longitarsus-species from Hokkaid?, Japan

篇名:Description of a new Long...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Longitarsus-species from Hokkaidô, Japan 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期.....more

篇名:Description of a new species of Scarabaeidae from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new spec...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species of Scarabaeidae from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v28.....more

篇名:Description of a new species of Geometridae from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new spec...

):Jinhoku SONAN 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species of Geometridae from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v28.....more

篇名:Description of a new species belonging to the family Elateridae from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new spec...

):Yûshirô MIWA 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species belonging to the family Elateridae from Formosa 文.....more

篇名:Description of a new species belonging to the family Cerambycidae from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new spec...

):Yûshirô MIWA and Takeo MITONO 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new species belonging to the family.....more

篇名:Description of a new Endomychid-beetle from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new Endo...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Endomychid-beetle from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v30 號次.....more

篇名:Description of a new Languriid-beetle from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new Lang...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Languriid-beetle from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v30 號次.....more

篇名:Description of a new Scarabaeid-beetle from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new Scar...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Scarabaeid-beetle from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v30 號次.....more

篇名:Description of a new scarabaeid-beetle from Amami-osima

篇名:Description of a new scar...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new scarabaeid-beetle from Amami-osima 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v31 號.....more

篇名:Description of a new Scarabaeid-Beetle from Formosa

篇名:Description of a new Scar...

CHÛJÔ 出版單位:臺灣博物學會 篇名:Description of a new Scarabaeid-Beetle from Formosa 文獻名稱:臺灣博物學會會報 卷期:v31 號次.....more

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