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共找到 203 筆符合的資料
宋諸名家墨寶 冊 宋范成大書尺...
and flowing quality. The round brushwork sometimes reveals strand-like traces of the brush tip, suggesting.....more
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宋四家法書 卷 宋蘇軾書次韻三...
by natutre has no method, so the dots and strokes that I dash off are guided by my hand without.....more
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宋四家集冊 冊 宋蘇軾書跋語
and expansive with attractive and relaxed brushwork. Strokes as thin as silk link the brushwork together.....more
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明人畫扇集冊 冊 明宋旭風煙水...
of willows with a pagoda and temple. The trees and rocks were rendered using a worn brush to create.....more
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明人集繪 冊 清諸升泉石叢篁
of the bamboo leaves and grass was done with incisive brushwork. The brush strokes in the slope and rocks.....more
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元人舊蹟 冊 楊維禎致理齋明府...
appear in this letter, and the line spacing is dense. The transitions between the brush strokes are more.....more
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五代後唐胡?番馬圖 卷
that of the Five Dynasties and Northern Sung, the fine strokes reveal a steadiness to the brush that makes.....more
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五代梁荊浩匡廬圖 軸
in short, rounded texture strokes, the artist has conveyed the rugged antiquity of the mountains.....more
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元李衎四季平安圖 軸
associations. For the bamboo stems, Li handled the brush as though doing seal script calligraphy.....more
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