

明黃彪畫九老圖 卷

明黃彪畫九老圖 卷

figures over the age of 70 for drinking and poetry. They are referred to as the “Nine Elders” of either.....more

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

清王原祁倣倪黃山水 軸

as one of the Four Masters of the Ch’ing. Completed at the age of 67, this painting is composed.....more

清惲向秋亭嘉樹圖 軸

清惲向秋亭嘉樹圖 軸

. This painting was completed when he was sixty-eight years of age. The ink is applied lightly with a dry.....more

清郎世寧畫玉花鷹 軸

清郎世寧畫玉花鷹 軸

。 &*Lang Shih-ning was an Italian who at the age of 19 became a novitiate of the Jesuit Catholic order.....more

明唐寅採蓮圖 卷

明唐寅採蓮圖 卷

. This is a masterpiece of scholar-style painting by T'ang Yin done at the age of 51. &*1.何傳馨,〈明唐寅採蓮圖〉,收入何.....more

明人蘇台古蹟 冊 明張宏盤螭春霽

明人蘇台古蹟 冊 明張宏盤螭春...

to the age of 92. &*1.〈明張宏盤螭春霽〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《春景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年一月初版),頁56-57。 本幅 31.3x25.1公.....more

元明書翰第十五冊 冊 明文徵明草書千字文

元明書翰第十五冊 冊 明文徵明...

and Ming Calligraphy,” was done in 1529 when Wen was at the Chinese age of 60. Written on “Mt. Jinsu.....more

明文徵明自書詩帖 卷

明文徵明自書詩帖 卷

Cheng-ming wrote this 149-character piece in 48 lines when he was eighty years of age. In large.....more

明文徵明尺牘 卷

明文徵明尺牘 卷

model. Living to the venerable age of 89, his extant works are quite numerous. In this letter.....more

明董其昌書千文 冊

明董其昌書千文 冊

it in 1609 at the Chinese age of 55. Throughout the album is a sense of archaism to the skillful brushwork.....more

明人摹西園雅集圖 軸

明人摹西園雅集圖 軸

Juyi (772-846), the famous Tang poet, with eight other figures over the age of 70, including Hu Gao.....more

清郎世寧畫開泰圖 軸

清郎世寧畫開泰圖 軸

Castiglione. At the age of 19, Castiglione entered the Jesuit order in Italy as a novitiate, and his early.....more

民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸

民國臺靜農臨漢簡 軸

not help but comment in his old age that “Even though I do not remember when I did this copy of bamboo.....more

明王寵自書五憶歌 卷

明王寵自書五憶歌 卷

done at Wang’s nominal age of 35 has the air of a great calligrapher. &* 王寵(1494-1533),長洲(今江蘇蘇州)人。字履仁,又.....more

元倪瓚紫芝山房圖 軸

元倪瓚紫芝山房圖 軸

this a masterpiece. Although undated, the style suggests it is a late work from around the age of 70.&*倪瓚(西元一三.....more
