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共找到 21027 筆符合的資料
元盛懋秋林高士圖 軸
。&*Sheng Mou, a native of Hangchow, later moved to Wei-t'ang and was a neighbor of the famed artist Wu.....more
- 2266/21027
宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁
Wei. He particularly liked painting fishing nets, hunting scenes in the snow, and horse carts. H.....more
- 2267/21027
清鄒元斗花卉 冊 梅
錫穠艷的外衣,同時又注重用筆,線條勁活有力,題材多從實物寫生,兼得天趣與物趣,所以,畫面較乃師更為有生氣,圖中景物有脫紙而出之感。 Tsou Yüan-tou (tzu Shao-wei.....more
- 2269/21027
清錢維城夏山欲雨 軸
筆法、墨法皆有公式化的趨向。重山疊嶺之中,煙霧瀰漫,畫面水份凝重,氣氛營造之下,頗有山雨欲來風滿樓之意。 &* Ch’ien Wei-ch’eng, style name Tsung-p.....more
- 2270/21027
. Such artifacts have been discovered as funerary objects dating from the Han and Wei Jin dynasties. People from.....more
- 2271/21027
宋人法書(四) 冊 楊萬里呈達...
are numerous works by Yang, many of which follow the manners of Zhong You and Wang Xizhi of the Wei.....more
- 2272/21027
元盛懋秋林高士圖 軸
。&*Sheng Mou, a native of Hangchow, later moved to Wei-t'ang and was a neighbor of the famed artist Wu.....more
- 2273/21027
宋朱銳山閣晴嵐 冊頁
Wei. He particularly liked painting fishing nets, hunting scenes in the snow, and horse carts. H.....more
- 2274/21027
明汪肇淵明愛菊圖 軸
) and Wu Wei (1459-1508). He described his brushwork as “wavy clouds (hai-yün)”, a term he also.....more
- 2277/21027
葦 主要採集者英文姓名:Fei-Wei Li 原始鑑定者中文姓名:李飛葦 原始鑑定者英文姓名:F. W. Li 數位化執行單位:國立自然科學博物館:植物學組維管束植物學 中文名:大線蕨(P009803.....more
- 2278/21027
五代後蜀黃筌長春竹雀 軸
contemporaries Tiao Kuang-yin, T'eng Ch'ang-yu, Li Sheng, Sun Wei, and Hsüeh Chi. Nonetheless.....more
- 2280/21027