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共找到 4339 筆符合的資料
歌子戲 歌仔戲 太子復仇 哈姆雷特 跨文化題材 Taiwanese opera The prince revenge Hamlet Cross-cultural topic 國家圖書館.....more
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A Study of College English Tea...
of Using the Types of Tasks for Assessing Taiwanese EFL Students' Foreign Language Oral Proficiency 臺灣期.....more
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唱片封套 設計成因 形式風格 Taiwanese early stages Record folders Development process 國家圖書館 20070300 期刊論文 黃明正.....more
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生命教育 論述生產 臺灣文化 跨文化交織 Life education Discoruse reproduction Taiwanese culture Cross-acculturations 國.....more
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諺語 生育 婚姻 喪葬 禮儀 臺灣文化 Proverb Birth and passage Wedding Funeral Rite Taiwanese culture 國家圖書館 20070700.....more
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American Individualism v. Taiw...
American Individualism v. Taiwanese Family Paternalism: Contemplating Taiwan's Attempt.....more
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鄉土音樂 通識教育 音樂欣賞 General education Taiwanese folk music Music appreciation 國家圖書館 20080100 期刊論文 宋秀娟.....more
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Ethnic study Taiwanese literature Asian American literature 國家圖書館 20071200 期刊論文 鄭淑玲(Cheng, Shu-ling.....more
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Analyzing Alcohol in Breath, ...
, Chip-jin Analyzing Alcohol in Breath, Blood, Saliva, and Urine for Forensic Purposes: Taiwanese.....more
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The Moderating Effects of Pers...
, Adjustment, and Job Attitude: Taiwanese Expatriates 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:中山管理評論 卷期:15(特刊) 2007[民96] 頁次:頁3+11-37.....more
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Small-Group Text Talk: Example...
(Chi, Feng-ming) Small-Group Text Talk: Examples from Taiwanese EFL Students 臺灣期刊論文索引系統 來源期刊:語文與國際研究 卷期.....more
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A Study of Prematurely Dischar...
(Huang, San-yuan) A Study of Prematurely Discharged from Service and Related Factors in Taiwanese.....more
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女性 因應 兒童時期性侵害 Childhood sexual abuse Coping strategies Taiwanese women 國家圖書館 20080300 期刊論文 簡美華.....more
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閩南語 全部重疊 部分重疊 疊音詞 變調 Taiwanese Complete reduplication Partial reduplication Tonal reduplication.....more
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閩南語教科書 選用行為 高雄市國小教師 Taiwanese textbooks Selecting behavior Elementary school teachers of Kaohsiung.....more
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