

Skimmia reevesiana (Fortune) Fortune 深紅茵芋

Skimmia reevesiana (Fortune) F...

), Taiwan(台灣) 海拔:2235 M 備註:Trailside, forest margin. Shrub, 3-5 m, fr. green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗.....more

Achyranthes bidentata Blume var. japonica Miq. 日本牛膝

Achyranthes bidentata Blume va...

, climbing, 2 m, fl. pale green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈), Hsing-Wu Hou (侯星武) 採集號:13428 英文 中文 293428 .....more

Deutzia pulchra S. Vidal 大葉溲疏

Deutzia pulchra S. Vidal 大葉...

, forest margin. Tree or shrub, 2-3 m, fl. white, fr. green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈), C. H.....more

Prunus phaeosticta (Hance) Maxim. 黑星櫻

Prunus phaeosticta (Hance) Max...

(台灣) 海拔:750 M 備註:Secondary forest, shaded place, soil slope. Tree, 7 m tall, fr. immature green. 標本採集.....more

Smilax bracteata C. Presl 假菝契

Smilax bracteata C. Presl 假菝...

註:Secondary forest, shaded place, soil slope. Vine, fl. petals yellowish green. 標本採集者:Shao-Ting Chiu.....more

Elaeocarpus argenteus Merr. 腺葉杜英

Elaeocarpus argenteus Merr. 腺...

(台灣) 海拔:150 M 備註:過山步道;Roadside, forest margin. Tree, 6-8 m, fr. green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Aleck Yang (楊宗愈.....more

Memecylon lanceolatum Blanco 革葉羊角扭

Memecylon lanceolatum Blanco ...

:325 M 備註:天池邊;Forest margin, beside ditch. Tree, 2-4 m, fl. purple, fr. pale green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu.....more

Smilax sp.

Smilax sp.

, climbing, fr. green. 標本採集者:Tsung-Yu Yang (楊宗愈), Hsing-Wu Hou (侯星武) 採集號:13457 英文 中文 293460 .....more

Amorphophallus henryi N. E. Br 臺灣魔芋

Amorphophallus henryi N. E. Br...

) 備註:高37線3.5km;Roadside, open place, under forest. Herb, 10-100 cm, fl. red, fr. dark green. 標本採集者.....more

Rhamnus formosana Matsum. 桶鉤藤

Rhamnus formosana Matsum. 桶鉤...

of broadleaf forest. Petals yellowish-green. 標本採集者:Chiou-Mei Wang (王秋美) 採集號:04581 英文 中文 293509 .....more

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. forma lanyuanum W. C. Shieh

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. f...

capillus-veneris L. forma lanyuanum W. C. Shieh 標本採集地點:Green Island (綠島), Lutao Township (綠島鄉.....more

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. forma lanyuanum W. C. Shieh

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. f...

capillus-veneris L. forma lanyuanum W. C. Shieh 標本採集地點:Green Island (綠島), Lutao Township (綠島鄉.....more

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. forma lanyuanum W. C. Shieh

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. f...

capillus-veneris L. forma lanyuanum W. C. Shieh 標本採集地點:Green Island (綠島), Lutao Township (綠島鄉.....more

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. 鐵線蕨

Adiantum capillus-veneris L. ...

本採集地點:Green Island (綠島), Lutao Township (綠島鄉), Taitung County (臺東縣), Taiwan(台灣) 備註:(蘭嶼)鐵線蕨;2007.04.....more

Rubus croceacanthus H. Levl 虎婆刺

Rubus croceacanthus H. Levl 虎...

margin, exposed, road side. Shrub, tree 1 m. tall, with red stems, flowers green recurring, petals.....more
