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共找到 3680 筆符合的資料
氏樹蛙(00001458) 學名:Rhacophorus moltrechti Boulenger,1908(00001458) 中文別名:台灣樹蛙 英文名:Moltrechtis green.....more
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fukienensis(00001620) 英文名:Green pond frog 地名中文名:魚池蓮華池 地名英文名:6km N Yuchih.Lienhwachih. 標本狀況:Good 中文標本狀況:良好 標本內.....more
- 2207/3680
;William J. Green(葛威廉);Raymond T. Moyer(穆懿爾);潘光迥;章文才;謝家聲;皮作瓊;趙葆全;李順卿;唐啟宇;葉謙吉;吳福楨;喬啟明;毛雝;許振英;李先聞;潘簡良;喬榮昇;劉行.....more
- 2210/3680
. F. Tsiang;王以康;賽先達;蔣廷黻;W. J. Green;魏如;D. L. Hill;張道宏;馬保之 中文;英文 原始編碼:20-16-035-06 .....more
- 2211/3680
;Henri Sokolove;鄭道儒;William W. Mckee;葛威廉;周詒春;錢天鶴;許復七;虞振鏞;W. J. Green;Harry Price;陳之長;喻任聲;黃祝封;嚴慎予;蔣廷黻;Hugh.....more
- 2212/3680
唐李昭道湖亭遊騎 軸
in with thick, opaque mineral pigments, such as iron red, azurite blue, and malachite green. Thin gold lines.....more
- 2214/3680
唐李昭道春山行旅圖 軸
the composition of “Emperor Minghuang’s Flight to Sichuan” as a model. The archaic blue-and-green colors feature.....more
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清花卉畫冊 冊 清江介花卉
first outlined in pale ink on a white base and then filled in with rattan yellow and translucent green.....more
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宋元集繪 冊 宋林椿寫生玉簪
-white petals stand out against the emerald-green leaves, further suggesting the subtle fragrance.....more
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宋趙伯駒禹王開山圖 卷
was an important blue-and-green landscape painter (with the style name Ch'ien-li). 本幅 35x221.1公分、隔水一 14.7公分、隔.....more
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