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通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Met for prayer and drilled all in preparation for the Morrow. Eve. good.....more
and eve. Chinese. Spent much time Singing. 內容摘要說明:英語禮拜以腓立比書4章11節"無論什麼景況,我已經學會"。下午和晚上台語禮 拜。用很長的時間唱聖詩。.....more
. Each Spoke in the eve-- 內容摘要說明:出發前往五股坑去找阿華。在路上邊走邊教學直到到達目的地。傍晚每一個人站起來講話。 核心人物:馬偕 原文:英文 譯文:中文 登錄號.....more
and fifty (150) meet in one house. I preached on Luke 13:24 "Strive to enter. A large gathering in eve.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Campbell went along to Go-ko-khiN and took one Service. I spoke in the eve. We.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Drilled the whole day in an outer room So as not to disturb bro. C. eve. Sevice.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Left Tamsui' went up by boat to Go-ko-khiN and had a good meeting at eve.-- 內容摘要.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Geography and the book of Exodus were dwelt upon. C. spoke in the eve. 內容摘要說明:詳細.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Nothing of interest occurred on the way and we were in the Tek-chham towards eve.....more
Geography of ' Portugal ' and the bones of the Skull. Sang in the eve. until Near Midnight. 內容摘要說明:整天忙.....more
those Studying. Good prayer meeting in the eve. Sang a very long time. 內容摘要說明:研究哥林多書,解剖豬眼,研究印度的宗教。傍晚有很好的.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Again drilling on Psalms and the life of Christ. Worship in eve. 內容摘要說明:再度練習詩篇以及.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Taught all day and in the eve. had a precious Meeting -- 內容摘要說明:整天教課,在傍晚時我們有一場寶貴.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:I went back again to Go-ko-khiN. Sang till very late in the eve. 40 present. 內容摘.....more
通欄位「私家文書資料庫」 內容摘要說明:Back to Go-ko-khiN. good meeting in eve. 內容摘要說明:回到五股坑,在傍晚好的聚會。 核心人物:馬偕 原文:英文 譯文.....more