

Gilia aggregata (Pursh) Spreng. (TAIM-H004631)

Gilia aggregata (Pursh) Spreng...

-H004631) 學名:Gilia aggregata (Pursh) Spreng. 採集地點:Bonner county ca. 4.5km NNE of Priest Lake (city.....more

多年生香豌豆 (TAIM-H004644)

多年生香豌豆 (TAIM-H004644)

:Lathyrus latifolius L. 採集地點:Road side outcrop along PA HW' 711; ca. 2.5km sse of Ligonier (city) sunny.....more

小酸模 (TAIM-H004660)

小酸模 (TAIM-H004660)

L. 採集地點:Shaly Dctcrop along PA Hwy 381 along N side of PA State Expeimental Farm fields and ca. 1.5.....more

Ctenitis transmorrisonensis (Hayata) Tagawa 玉山肋毛蕨

Ctenitis transmorrisonensis (H...

and km post 18. Ranging from ca. N 24°07'17.2"' E 121°16'09.8" and N 24°06'24.5"' E 121°11'55.8". Near.....more

Asplenium ensiforme Wall. ex Hook. & Grev. 劍葉鐵角蕨

Asplenium ensiforme Wall. ex H...

and km post 18. Ranging from ca. N 24°07'17.2"' E 121°16'09.8" and N 24°06'24.5"' E 121°11'55.8". 標本採集者.....more

Polystichum parvipinnulum Tagawa 尖葉耳蕨

Polystichum parvipinnulum Taga...

. Ranging from ca. N 24°07'17.2"' E 121°16'09.8" and N 24°06'24.5"' E 121°11'55.8". Near km 18. 標本採集者:Tom.....more

Woodsia polystichoides Eaton 岩蕨

Woodsia polystichoides Eaton ...

cliff face 物候:Sporing 備註:Along provincial Rd. #14A between km post 29 and km post 18. Ranging from ca.....more

Asplenium trichomanes L. 鐵角蕨

Asplenium trichomanes L. 鐵角...

:Sporing 備註:Along provincial Rd. #14A between km post 29 and km post 18. Ranging from ca. N 24°07'17.....more

Bambusa textilis McClure

Bambusa textilis McClure

clump' ca 4m across' fairly dense' Culms spreading' droopoing at thd tips' to 18m long' diam. to 6cm.....more

Bambusa textilis McClure

Bambusa textilis McClure

clump' ca 4m across' fairly dense. Culms spreading' droopoing at the tips' to 18m long' diam. to 6cm.....more

Bambusa textilis McClure

Bambusa textilis McClure

clump' ca 4m across' fairly dense. Culms spreading' droopoing at the tips' to 18m long' diam. to 6cm.....more

Bambusa textilis McClure

Bambusa textilis McClure

clump' ca 4m across' fairly dense. Culms spreading' droopoing at the tips' to 18m long' diam. to 6cm.....more

Bambusa textilis McClure

Bambusa textilis McClure

clump' ca 4m across' fairly dense. Culms spreading' droopoing at the tips' to 18m long' diam. to 6cm.....more

Bambusa textilis McClure

Bambusa textilis McClure

clump' ca 4m across' fairly dense. Culms spreading' droopoing at the tips' to 18m long' diam. to 6cm.....more

Gigantochloa apus (Schult. & Schult. f.) Kurz

Gigantochloa apus (Schult. & S...

(巴布亞紐幾內亞) 海拔:20 M 物候:Vegetative 備註:Young clump' fairly dense' ca 1m across. Culms erect with slightly.....more
